Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Final Idol

First let me start with a re-enactment of Paula's night last night when Officer Johnson arrived at her door. "Yes, uh huh Ms. Abdul, so could you repeat for me again exactly how it was that you tripped over your dog Tulip and ended up with a collagen injection in your lip? What? Oh yes, sorry, you did say bruised nose, yes I've got that right here."

So, on to more important matters. What a shame for Blake to go out like this. He put up such a strong fight and gave us something new and different to look forward to each week. He could not have picked or been handed a worse repertiore. His Bon Jovi thing was fine... again, but it ended there. His Maroon 5 song sounded more like it was from Moron 5 and just left me cold. Then, the doozy of them all - that crap song from those Seattle boys really sunk him. OK, maybe I'm being harsh, but there is a direct musical rip-off from a Chris Tomlin song entitled "How Great is Our God" in that tune (check out the comparison). But for Blake - man his arrangement sucked! Jordin got the better end of that deal. The backing vocal arrangements in Blake's version were so bad, it just sunk that ship faster than it would have on it's own. That's OK, though, he's going to make millions doing his thang despite the fact that his parent's never bought him that damn drumset.

As for Jordin... OK, there is something that we need to talk about. I see then energy, the sweet and cuteness of it all, and yes she can really belt it out there for a 17 year old, but does anyone else notice that she consistently sings flat??? Maybe we didn't notice tonight because Blake does too, but I'm sorry, it's not just the stage. Melinda neeevvvvvveeeerrrrr sang flat like that - neither did Fantasia. Jordin just does not have the chops that those vocalists do, and the judges never once called it out. I would normally count on Simon to call out the truth, but I don't think he has the ear to pick out the intonation problems.

Well, they were both just fine, but that was about it. I think it would have been much more interesting if Melinda had been there. We'll see what the public thinks, but I don't think our boy Blake has a chance tomorrow.

On another note - for those of you that loved this pool, we are going to be running a pool at this same site for "So You Think You Can Dance?". The show starts this week, but the competition won't start for a few weeks until the auditions are done. If you are interested, please e-mail beth@poppool.com. Also, let us know if you are interested in On The Lot and if there is enough interest, maybe we'll run something for that too! ...despite the fact that they rejected my entry. :(

Thanks again to you all for the biggest and best AI pool yet!!!
