Thursday, July 17, 2008

Top 10, sort of!

Well, the top 10 performed tonight. That is: minus Jessica, with the return of Comfort.

It would have been fun to see them return Thayne just to surprise everyone.

But, it was great to see Comfort and Twitch do a hip-hop routine together.
I have to say that I cannot believe how good Will and Katee are. They are just incredible. Magnificent. They are a treat to watch. I hope they are there until the end. It would be a crying shame if they aren't. Poetry in motion.
Also..... if you didn't read Adam B. Vary's recap last week (see the link in the previous blog here at poppool,) and if you didn't actually click on the link to Desmond Richardson's youtube videos..... you absolutely must go do that. That Desmond is AMAZING.... so, Nigel was right to point out what an honor it was to have him and his partner there. Incredible. I wonder if they brought them in just to specifically choreograph for Will and Katee. ?????

Stephanie Lysaght from the LA Times does a great re-cap.... she was actually there at the taping of the show... and even describes Nigel's face after Kherington's solo. Click here:

Don't forget to get your votes in, and this week you also need to pick your #1 dancer for "game 3."

Last week we had 1 comment...... I dare you to do more poppoolers.