Friday, July 20, 2007

....And then there were ten!

Oh, man! Hok is gone. I loved his dancing and his accent.

Best wishes to you, Hok!

And, for the girls, Anya is gone. It's a shame, because all her partnering was superb. It's the solos that got her. I was smiling a huge smile at her outfit, too.

Okay, comments?

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Top 12 Perform

Tonight the top 12 performed, and it's a big week, as the judges told us...and told us.....and told us, because the top 10 get to tour. So, here we go!

Cat Deeley looked great in a slinky coral slouchy drinking straw wrapper. The judges were Wade Robson, choreography master, along with Mary, wearing a black giraffe dress, with black sleeves that were missing the shoulders, and sand dollars in her ears, and Nigel, looking better than usual, I thought, in his dark suit with red polka dot tie.

First up were Sabra and Dominic. These two sure are likable. They danced a jive. Wade called them firecrackers that were focused with positive energy. Mary thought they were terrific, but there were some technical things that weren't exactly right, and Nigel thought they were amazing, and great partners for each other. Nigel came up with his geeky comment of the week, to Dominic, "You are living proof that they are still producing gold up there (in Sacramento.)"

Next came Jaimie and Hok. They danced Broadway to Mr. Bojangles. The judges praised Jaimie - across the board. She danced beautifully, had great lines, and was classy. But, they all wanted more from Hok. I thought he was a little trapped by his choreography, but ..... the judges didn't like his performance. Uh-oh.

Third were Sara and Pasha. They danced jazz, and Wade liked the routine a lot. Mary and Nigel thought they did a great job. Even so, Nigel felt it might not be enough to keep them out of the bottom three, because it was so stylized. Sara actually looked great - so cute. Pasha, you know I love him, but the outfit really did nothing for him. They were really really good tonight, though!

Next came Lauren and Neil. What was up with the costumes? Beanies and goggles. Too funny. I liked it because it was so unusual. Mia Michels of course. Mary said it was really good, not great. Wade thought it was really well executed. Nigel didn't understand it, nor like it, but thought they did a good job.

Anya and Danny were next, doing the Foxtrot. All the judges loved them. Wade said that finally Danny showed emotion and personality. Mary thought they were fabulous, and Nigel said it was the best Foxtrot they've seen on this stage. They were great. Danny was actually smiling, and gave Anya a kiss on the cheek at the end that showed genuine happiness and connection with his partner.

Lacey and Kameron were next with a Britney Spears schoolgirl number. Boy chasing girl. I think that they played the roles well for the choreography. Oh wow, what an original theme, girl in cheerleading outfit being sassy with a boy. But, I think that Lacey played it well, and danced really well. I was surprised that she was that good at hip hop. Wade said that Kameron wasn't "snappy" enough for him, and that he "wasn't in the pocket." Oh, master of choreography, we know it didn't have enough quick snappy movements, while leaning slightly backwards. But, ..... I think that Lacey did outshine Kameron slightly. Mary said that Lacey was "right on point," and Nigel said that the dance wasn't his favorite.

So......who will it be going home tonight? The judges said that this is the last time that they will have a say in who stays and goes. After this, it's up to the voting viewers.

Let's hear what you think. Were the judges too harsh on Hok? Do they love Sabra and Dominic too much because they are newer dancers? Will Sara and Pasha be seen on the town in their suspenders and neon? If Anya is in the bottom three, what crazy outfit will she wear? Were those swimming goggles that Lauren and Neil were wearing? Let's hear it!