Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Country Top Two!

Last night the Idols sang six country songs, looked pretty, and the judges only had good things to say. (See, you don't even have to watch it.)

I was so completely not into it, that I watched it with my three little kids and let them talk the entire time. (So unlike me!)

The good news is: So You Think You Can Dance starts on Thursday night! (I digress.)

Actually, both these kids (youngest finale ever) sound pretty good, will probably make albums, and their future looks bright.

Scotty was so completely mellow the whole night - I love how "chill" he is. Lauren actually looked like she was trying - and had the best moment of the night when she sang the "mama" song and had a moment with her freakishly young mom (and dad.)

And, I'm sorry I haven't written previously about Hard Rock Fiddle Dude. This guy wants to be a rock star so badly. I wish we could vote for him.

Who else thought the Taio Cruz song was boring? My 5-year-old was convinced it was Usher. No, I said, it's Taio Cruz. "Yah, but they also call him Usher." So funny. It's the sunglasses. I liked the industrial drummers, though.

I think the producers all want Lauren to win...... with all the Carrie Underwood references throughout the night. Not going to happen, people. Scotty has it in the bag. Maybe that's why he was so chill. I did love how he got all choked up during last Thursday's show when he went home. That was actually really sweet.

I predict confetti for Scotty. What do you guys think?