Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Top 8 Perform

"Inspirational Songs" was last night's theme. Are we inspired, people?
Although some songs were inspiring and great (David A., Jason, and Kristy Lee,) I felt the others simply weren't that inspiring. What did you guys think?

Ryan opened the night with a few words backstage that sounded like "muffle, muffle, okay..." ..... Then, walks onstage and tells us that we get to watch THREE NIGHTS of A.I. this week. Okay, we're all in this together.

Randy was looking pimpalicious in his side burns, Paula was a hand-clap away from popping out of her dress, and Simon was again, always in style, in black.

Michael sang "Dream On," by Arrowsmith. I was distracted by the scarf, the vest (again,) and the back view. Something about that back view I don't like. Uninspiring.
It was okay. Not great. Paula said her chihuahuas would join him on stage, .... what, Paula? Simon prefers the bluesy Michael, and I have to agree. Not great, but okay.

Syesha again broke another idol rule: Thou shalt not take on another Idol Winner's song and try to sing it as well. She's cute, she sings very well, but she keeps breaking the rules of taking on the DIVAs. She sang it well, but why set yourself up for comparison, Syesha. And, why the talking back to Randy?

Jason. Loved it, loved it, loved it. I loved the ukelele, loved the simplicity. I love that song in the first place, and actually have Iz's cd. Jason, you did a beautiful, simple, sweet song........ good job.

Kristy Lee Cook, aka the Little Cowgirl that Could, did a really nice job. She looked great, she sounded great, and the song choice was perfect. She did again stand like she just got off a horse, but maybe she did, who knows.

David Cook: you kind of let me down, dude. I was not inspired. I don't know the song, either, though, and that might have made a difference. I did like the message on your hand, but didn't love the performance. I agree with Simon on this one.

Carly: you are looking good, girl! Good hair, good look. I'm not sure about your performance. Question: Why did you let the Idol Tabernacle Choir finish the long note at the end while you were done, and looking at the floor? That was wierd. It did come off as a little angry, like Simon said.

Little David. I WAS inspired by this performance. Wow! His voice is so great .... love the vocal runs. This was really really good. He's safe.

Brooke. Smiles, sweetness, butterflies, bubbles. "You've got a friend." Fine. Nice. But, probably the bottom three.

Okay...... who's gonna go? We have to wait until Thursday. What do you guys think? I predict a three-girl bottom three.