Thursday, May 19, 2011

Top Three Perform 3 Times Each!

Last night the three remaining Idol contestants sang a song they picked, one picked by Jimmy Iovine, and one picked by the judges. It was a crazy night full of tripping, panty hose ripping, babylockthemdoors-ing, and Beyonce-ing.

First up was Scotty singing another country song, Amazed, by Lone Star. Boring, cliche, but he sang it well, except the higher notes, where I wrote "ew on the high notes," in my notes. (I could write he sucked donkey balls here and no one would care, because he is safe anyway.) He actually will be snatched up by a country record label in two seconds if he doesn't win Idol. So, it would probably be better for him if he doesn't. He's safe tonight, though.

Lauren was next with "Wild One" from Faith Hill. Repetitive. I do like it better when she sings an upbeat song like this one, because she seems to let loose a little more. I was a little distracted by the huge flower earrings and hideous shirt/dress though.

Haley basically stuck her finger up at the producers and sang a Led Zeppelin song, showing she's going to to do what she wants to and too bad. She even got her dad to play guitar with her, which was extremely amazing and very cool. She also fell down, which ruled. She recovered nicely, too. Jlo said that they all do it, for instance, Beyonce fell in a show (touche, Beyonce!) And, I myself, Jlo, my mic went out. I am way too perfect to fall down, but my mic went out, which is totally someone else's fault. Ryan also heard me say in a performance that someone is going to get fired for a mistake they made that affected me.

The judges actually only said good things about the Chorus, and didn't say anything bad. I know they were holding back, because they have been hard on her the past two weeks after her first songs. The CHORUS was good. (The rest was kinda mumbly but we won't talk about that.)

Round 2

Scotty sang, Are You Going to Kiss Me Or Not, by Thomson Square. While the song was going on forever, I couldn't help but notice that he looks a lot like George W. Bush, and makes some corny faces like him, too. It was okay and kinda cute. Jlo wants his head shaved again. Whatever works.

Lauren was up with If I Die Young, by That Band Perry. She forgets some of the words and goes off Key a little. But, the judges won't call her out completely on it. They want to appear nice tonight, I guess. It was actually a good range for her. Thanks, Jimmy.

Haley was next, forced to sing Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac. Everyone likes Haley singing like Stevie Nicks, and it works. Hilarious how they turned on the airplane propeller fan and she writhed around in it for a little big too long. Cool at the beginning, but for too long!

Next we were treated to a Beyonce video where she was wearing lots of metallic material. She's incredibly beautiful. No argument there.

Round 3.

Scotty sang She Believes in Me, by the Gambler. I love when he looks at the camera and attempts to give us a smoldering look. Priceless. Pretty good singing, but Kenny can out sing him in a second on that song. Safe anyway.

Lauren, dressed as Cinderella, sang I Hope You Dance. She did a good job with this one. Nice. Jlo said she got "goosies from head to toe." Then, I thought Ryan said, "douchies," later. Probably not, darn it.

Haley next was forced to sing You Outta Know, which basically is a ton of words crammed together in an angry song and then you get to the big choruses. So, the judges all said they liked the Choruses again, and refused to say anything really bad, except Jlo who said, "I think we all heard the same thing in the middle parts. I think the stronger parts were the choruses." Awesome. I also cracked up when they changed the words from "would she go down on you in a theater," to "would she go down with you to the theater." Super hilarious.

I predict Mr. Babylockthemdoors Turnthelightsdownlow is safe. Lauren or Haley to go home. What do you think?