Friday, July 27, 2007

Top 10 results show

Bye-bye to Kameron and Jaimie.

No more faux hawks for awhile....maybe not until next season's American Idol.

Jaimie, I will miss your beautiful dancing, and Kameron, I feel I never really got to know your dancing, besides your partnering with Lacey.

I thought that Mia was wearing that upside-down Marine emblem on purpose, but apparently she had no idea what she was wearing. So, hence the appology from Mia about the jacket on Wednesday night. And, Nigel tried to explain the "anti-war" dance by Wade Robeson. I got what he was trying to say. Yes, it would great to have peace all the time, and I think that was Nigel's message.

I loved Mia's opening routine. I don't know about you guys, but sometimes I'm frustrated by the camera angles that we are forced to watch. Sometimes I want to see the big picture more, etc. But, a great routine, I thought.

Thoughts on the show, anyone?

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Top 10 perform

Tonight on So You Think You Can Dance, the top 10 performed. Everyone received a new partner and the format changes for the rest of the season. Each couple performed a partner routine as usual, but a solo routine was added for each individual dancer. And, from here on out, the judges no longer get to help decide who stays and who goes. America will vote for individual dancers, and the guy and girl with the lowest vote totals will be eliminated, up until the final four, I believe. The guest judge tonight was Mia Michaels.

Cat is wearing another cave-girl outfit, this time shiny and blue, with lots of eye makeup. And, of course, she looks fabulous.
Pasha and Lauren start off the show with a hip/hop routine choreographed by Shane Sparks. They both wear skeleton outfits, which looks kind of cool. It was a fun, creative routine that was really entertaining. I was worried for Pasha, but he pulled it off. The judges are all impressed by the routine.

Jaimie is the first to perform the solo to a John Mayer song. Good routine. Jaimie's always good at her solos, and she doesn't hurt herself here. Dominic performs the solo routine, wearing the peace sign, and he does a good job, but shows that contemporary isn't his best thing. I think it was really good, considering, and showed lots of that coveted emotion that the judges keep talking about.

Sabra and new partner Kameron will be performing a Tyce DiOrio contemporary routine. They dance to a version “Amazing Grace”. I loved the music, and actually loved the routine. Sabra is beautiful to watch, and I thought that Kameron was good, too. But, not as fabulous Sabra. Okay, so the judges then took out their daggers. Mary and Mia both really call out Kameron. Mia even says that the routine “exposed” Kameron. Everyone loves Sabra, however. I would agree.

Next up for the solo is Sara. She is good, and I thought showed really good feeling and emotion.
Pasha comes out to dance his solo. He was good, but didn't really stand out from the other solos.

Lacey and Danny are paired up, which I thought should be fabulous. I thought they WERE really great - they looked amazing out there. Danny has such beautiful lines and style. Lacey was superb, as I expected at this kind of dance - Samba

Lauren and Neil dance their solos. They were good. Each brought a few interesting moments. Sabra quickly follows and she wins for the biggest scream. I liked her version of this.
Kameron comes back strong after his verbal abuse from the judges and performs his solo well.

Jaimie is teamed up with Dominic and they'll be performing the Viennese Waltz. Ooooo, I was worried for Dominic. Dominic is a funny guy, and tries to add humor and over-acting to this dance that he's never done before. Here come the daggers again. Nigel uses the phrase “over-egg the pudding”. Nigel is really disappointed with the hamminess of Dominic. Mary and Mia also agree that the lines and technique were terrible. The judges are pretty brutal.

Lacey dances the solo. She's good. Danny puts the solo out of it's misery, as he's the last to perform it.

Sara and Neil are the final couple tonight, and they'll be dancing a solo. These guys were fabulous. So fun, and so entertaining. Looooooved it!!!!!!!!!! Neil shows off some ridiculous athleticism and Sarah continues to impress. The judges all love the routine. Neil has really shown that he has skills, and so has Sara.

So,..... let's hear it y'all. Who is going home? I think the sexy award goes to Danny and Lacey, and the fun award goes to Neil and Sara. The cavegirl award goes to Cat. The most reprimanded tonight might be a tie between Kameron and Dominic.