Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Top 6 Perform songs from Shania Twain!

This week’s Idol was unbelievable and amazing - because everyone was good!

Shania did a great job mentoring the kids, and no one was bad!

Overall, what stood out the most was Simon’s comment about Michael’s performance being “wet,” and Siobhan’s outfit.

The other judges all wanted to know what Simon meant by “wet.” What I got out of what he was saying, was that it “was a little girly for you.” Maybe it didn’t pack enough of a punch for Simon.

Siobhan’s outfit – what WAS she wearing? Michael Slezak from Entertainment Weekly said it well: “And while some blame must be laid at the feet of Idol's team of stylists, what in the name of all that's floral was Ms. Magnus wearing tonight? To my eye, it was an outfit made of flower-y couch fabric (with a lacey bustier and apron-front skirt); leather suspenders; lace-up boots; and a jaunty spider necklace. Dial 1-800-TOO-MUCH-LOOK.”

As for the singing and the other contestants – they were all pretty good. It’s going to be a tough week! Who will go out?

Here are the grades for this week: Lee: B+, Michael: B, Casey: A (he really stepped it up!), Crystal: B (for her, not as good,) Aaron: B+, Sobhan: B.

What do you guys think? Who is going home?