Friday, March 25, 2011

Top 11 are touring in 2011! (Kinda makes sense)

So, we have a top 11 this year. Fresh and new for 2011!

Frankly, I am sooooo glad Casey got the save, even though I did pick him as going out this week. He got the dreaded #1 singing spot on Wednesday night, had his grungy friends in the audience which didn't do him any favors, however awesome they may be, and I'm not sure if the voting people "get him."

I totally get him. He's amazing and awesome and needs to get back up there with his string bass. He is just an amazing musician and I would be sad to see him go! (I actually picked him in my top 12 as #1.) I love him. I just don't think everyone is sharing the Casey love.

Anyway....... how great was Jacob? His performance was so controlled and glorious. I had tears. He did show beautiful retraint, and i was moved.

Okay, on to the wierdest results show ever: March 24, 2011.
Stevie Wonder - awesome. Hulk Hogan - wierd and kinda awesome. Steven Tyler's bday - of course!!!! Awesome.

On to the conflict of my restless night: How do I still like Sugarland while retaining respect for myself? Elf leggings, a red 80's bolero jacket, a gigantic seafoam belt, and a black mesh shirt that at first I also thought was a fanny pack at the bottom. Great voice, but I am really pretty freaked out by the outfit. Help! Stylist! Do I still like them? Not sure. Still freaked out.

And, the English major in me was really reeling in pain during the song, "Where you at?" ..... Really? We are not only ending the sentences in a preposition..... repeatedly; but we are are also not using the verb "are." Ouch. Painful. Jennifer Hudson, congrats on your weight loss!

So, this season not only is super glorious because of Steven Tyler, made better by Jlo, but Randy Jackson is actually saying constructive things that I agree with! (Except that last thing about James not hitting it at the beginning.)

And, back to Steven: I think he might be wearing a smaller size jeans than me. Hmmmm. Interesting. I am looooooooving his jewelry and style. Yes!

Sooooooooooooo, what do you guys think? Let's start hearing your comments!!!!