Friday, March 6, 2009

Top 12 revealed!, I mean top 13!

Our Wild Card show started with lots of Ryperbole about the "power of tenacity," etc., etc., but do you think the judges already had their minds made up? I kinda do.
Jesse Langseth had the spot of doom, going first. She sang great, had a lot of "swagger," and looked awesome. Sorry, you're out.
Von did not wear his hat, as he was told not to, but Randy made a comment about the last time he liked it better, the hat and all! Man! What's Von supposed to do? Well, he tried to pull his voice back from full tilt, and it didn't go over that well. Von's out.
Ricky Braddy sang really well, loosened up, and had fun. He has a great voice, but the judges proved that this show is about more than a great voice. Out. = (
TatiDrama actually sounded great. She can sing. Simon gave her a bad time about singing that song for the 3rd time, and also all of sudden she has a Puerto Rican accent that we haven't heard that much before. So, the judges are finally letting the drama go. Can we all say "Amen?!"
So, the winners are:
Matt Giraud, bringing back the soulfulness.
Megan Corkrey, with all her quirkyness and wierd dancing and good looks
Ja$mine Murray, because she's cute and actually has a voice.
Anoop Desai, because he is fun and gosh darn it, people love him.
What do you guys think? I know that we now have to rank our top 13 instead of 12!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Top 9 revealed, and 8 Wild Cards announced!

American Idol did it: an hour show with lots of action! We now know the top 9, and the eight wild cards were revealed. All this in one hour!

We still had the Group Song - which was all about stairs and chairs. (Did they do any of that because of Scott MacIntyre?) We still had Simon in the requisite black shirt in honor of the 9 slashings. And, we still had to hear 3 of the songs again from last night. They couldn't let us off that easy.

The last of the top 9 are:
Lil Rounds (Wow! What a shocker!)
Scott MacIntyre .... After all, we need to hear him with the piano, so say the judges.
Jorge (Come on, we need a little Latin flavor)

Woo-hoo! I called it!

Wow! And there are still 20 minutes left in the show! Not so much filler. Nice! And, we get to find out that there will be 8 Wild Card picks, chosen from the judges.

Here they are:
Von Smith (Hmm, what do you guys think?)
Jasmine Murray (I'm not surprised..... "You're so commercial, Ja$mine")
Ricky Braddy (Yeay!)
Megan Corkrey (Commercial)
Tatiana Del Toro (TatiDrama.... gag!)
Matt Giraud (good!)
Jesse Langseth (? comments, anyone?)
Anoop Desai (Duh.)

Alright, what do you guys think?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Top 36, round 3!

"Get ready for two hours of American Idol!" (Aaaaaaahhhh, how am I going to do it?)

Then, along comes Ryan with lots of Ryperbole (thank you, Linda Sharp for that term,) about how they've put their lives on hold, blah, blah, blah.... and then:
Brace yourselves, folks, because "This is American Idol!"

Alright, I've decided I don't really like the new format. I don't like losing NINE contestants over night! It's such a bummer. Especially on a night like this, when I want at least 6 of them to go through.

First up was Von Smith. Gosh, he seems sweet and cute. Nice range of voice, and kind of spazzy as a performer. The judges thought he did a great job, is coming into his own, and he reminded Simon of Clay Aiken, saying he sang very well. I think that's okay to say, and so did Von, saying he's very successful, etc. Think Spam-a-lot, the musical, Von. His mom and (sister?) seemed very proud of him, and that was sweet.

Next was Taylor Vaifamua. She seemed a little nervous, and I kept thinking she was not as good as Alicia Keyes. The judges thought it was a little boring, a bit bland, and left Kara a little cold. She said she wanted to go shopping with Taylor, to find out who she is. WHAT? Luckily Simon spoke up about that one: "I don't get the shopping thing." Thank you, Simon. She's probably gone. None of us will get to go shopping with Taylor.

Alex Wagner-Trugman was next. He's cute, nerdy, and quirky. He can sing, but what is this? He's trying to cough up something! And, OMG, he looks just like his dad! The judges thought he was very entertaining, but has to get rid of the "ridiculous growling." Yes! And, Out!

Next was Ariana Asfar, looking as "cute as a button," said by Kara earlier. This was really wierd. The arrangement of her ABBA song made me write, "What was that?" It was so wierd, pitchy, shouty, and just not good. When I expected the melody line, here comes a wierd rift. Simon thought it was absolutely terrible in most parts, and the rest of the judges weren't feeling it either. No more button girl.

Ju'not Joyner sang next. The beginning was a little boring - showing little range, and then, he started sounding amazing! I really liked this. His voice was "smooth and fluid," as Kara said. Like a nice chai latte or something. Yummy. I hope he makes it, but he probably won't. Adding the comment about a cortizone shot in his butt probably didn't help, but was a little interesting. Mumble mumble cortizone shot in my butt.... mumble, mumble, .... because of smoke.... ??? I could investigate a little if I actually CARED.

Kristen McNamara was next, AKA "who are you?" No more pink hair or wierd clothes. She actually sounded really good. This girl can sing! Amazing! Her problem is that she doesn't have an image that she has stuck with. If she makes it, it will be only because of her voice, and nothing else.

Nathaniel Marshall was then up. Remember NathanYELL from Hollywood? He sang "I would do anything for love," and it was a little creepy, because I was thinking that he probably would do anything, and then Simon said it out loud! This boy can sing! I thought he was a fun entertainer, and his outfit was memorable. Later Ryan and Simon had some headband fun. Ryan, always with some homophobe inuendo called it a garter, which Simon did not want any part of. If he makes it, I will credit the website that shall remain nameless, and fans of campiness.

Next was Felicia Barton. Who????? Really, who? She's the girl they cut, and now brought back because Joanna Pacitti had to leave. Again, she was not as good as Alicia Keyes, but she wasn't bad at all. If she makes it it will be amazing, because no one has ever seen her. But, look at what happened with Kris Allen. It's possible.

Scott MacIntyre was next. I don't really like to watch him, but he has feeling in his singing. The judges all don't think he is the best singer of the 36, but really want him back to play the piano. Actually, I want to see that too. And, I want to see what they do with him in the group songs and the dancing. That will be a challenge, but I know he will be up for it. He seems nice, thankful, and willing to work.

Kendall Beard was next up. She got the kiss of doom from Paula, "You have the best outfit of the night.... you look awesome.... I hope you enjoyed it," (because it will be over for you after this.) She did look great, but was a little pitchy, a little "shrilly," according to Simon. She's probably out. I will be bummed that we won't see the "alligator dance" by her dad again. And, maybe there are a lot of country fans out there who want to hear more.

Jorge Nunez was next, singing "Don't Let the Sun Go Down on me." My favorite line was, "by LOOSING everything.... " Other than that, he mostly lost his accent. Paula was so proud of him, and Jorge had tears of joy at the end. It was pretty endearing, and I liked him a lot more last night than ever before. I love that he said he starts thinking in Spanish, and that was a cool moment.

SURPRISINGLY last (not,) was Lil Rounds. I'm sure this was a complete shocker to all. She sang like a seasoned Diva, and if she doesn't come back after the pimping from the judges, I will completely shocked!!! She got the pimp spot, applause, the big back story, and if she's not in the top 12 tomorrow.... well, we all know she will be.

Who do you think the top 3 will be? I say Lil Rounds, Jorge, and Scott. (But, I say Ju'not, Kristen, and Felicia deserve to stay, too.) I really don't like this format. Too many cuts. What do you think?