Friday, March 6, 2009

Top 12 revealed!, I mean top 13!

Our Wild Card show started with lots of Ryperbole about the "power of tenacity," etc., etc., but do you think the judges already had their minds made up? I kinda do.
Jesse Langseth had the spot of doom, going first. She sang great, had a lot of "swagger," and looked awesome. Sorry, you're out.
Von did not wear his hat, as he was told not to, but Randy made a comment about the last time he liked it better, the hat and all! Man! What's Von supposed to do? Well, he tried to pull his voice back from full tilt, and it didn't go over that well. Von's out.
Ricky Braddy sang really well, loosened up, and had fun. He has a great voice, but the judges proved that this show is about more than a great voice. Out. = (
TatiDrama actually sounded great. She can sing. Simon gave her a bad time about singing that song for the 3rd time, and also all of sudden she has a Puerto Rican accent that we haven't heard that much before. So, the judges are finally letting the drama go. Can we all say "Amen?!"
So, the winners are:
Matt Giraud, bringing back the soulfulness.
Megan Corkrey, with all her quirkyness and wierd dancing and good looks
Ja$mine Murray, because she's cute and actually has a voice.
Anoop Desai, because he is fun and gosh darn it, people love him.
What do you guys think? I know that we now have to rank our top 13 instead of 12!

1 comment:

  1. 'Ryperbole'. That's just awesome - did you coin that term?

    Yeah a bit of a curveball with the 13th contestant. Fortunately is setup to handle this. It would be nice to know when and how they plan to eliminate that 13th contestant, but we will see.

    In general I was largely unimpressed with most of the Wildcard performances last night. Including Tatiana. Looking forward to final 12, uh 13.
