Thursday, March 5, 2009

Top 9 revealed, and 8 Wild Cards announced!

American Idol did it: an hour show with lots of action! We now know the top 9, and the eight wild cards were revealed. All this in one hour!

We still had the Group Song - which was all about stairs and chairs. (Did they do any of that because of Scott MacIntyre?) We still had Simon in the requisite black shirt in honor of the 9 slashings. And, we still had to hear 3 of the songs again from last night. They couldn't let us off that easy.

The last of the top 9 are:
Lil Rounds (Wow! What a shocker!)
Scott MacIntyre .... After all, we need to hear him with the piano, so say the judges.
Jorge (Come on, we need a little Latin flavor)

Woo-hoo! I called it!

Wow! And there are still 20 minutes left in the show! Not so much filler. Nice! And, we get to find out that there will be 8 Wild Card picks, chosen from the judges.

Here they are:
Von Smith (Hmm, what do you guys think?)
Jasmine Murray (I'm not surprised..... "You're so commercial, Ja$mine")
Ricky Braddy (Yeay!)
Megan Corkrey (Commercial)
Tatiana Del Toro (TatiDrama.... gag!)
Matt Giraud (good!)
Jesse Langseth (? comments, anyone?)
Anoop Desai (Duh.)

Alright, what do you guys think?

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