Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Top Nine Perform!

Last night's theme really should have been "Anything Goes As the Idols Cover Beatles' Songs!" We had a didgeridoo, the bagpipes, Bones actors, and another questionable outfit from Siobhan.

First up was the smallest contestant, Aaron. Blah, like wet cereal. Not exiting, but still sweet and a little soggy. Randy started off with a chuckle, and a "Yo, yo, yo," .... so you know it wasn't good. He said it perfectly: it was so sleepy. He gets a "C-."
Next, Katie came out in a pink belted dress with a pony-tail. She will apparently go to the prom with whoever votes the most for her. Yey Katie! She actually sang really, really well, standing at Mathilda the microphone the whole time. Her eyes were sparkly at the end, and her dad was in the audience and not the bar, like he will be tonight. She did a good job. "B."
Andrew was up next. Apparently he cracks up the other contestants back in "the house." He came out with buffont hair, a suit, and sang behind the judges backs. I thought it was fun, but a little boring at the same time. Randy called it a little corny. He gets a "C," and better step it up or he will be gone soon, if not tonight.
Big Mike, or the teddy bear, was up next. The string section in his song, "Eleanor Rigby," gave me the chills because they sounded so good! Michael gave a great vocal performance in his tight pants and wide-leg stance. Personally I'd like to see him lay off the carbs for a few weeks so we can actually see his personally training on his own body, but that's just me. Kara called it "fire," and even with a couple of Glee references, I thought it was really really good. "A." I also loved when he picked up Aaron backstage after his performance.
Crystal smashed another week. It wasn't her best, but it was brilliant, beautiful, and totally rockin'. This girl is so comfortable and confident, and she can be a star right now. Her didgeridoo player love fest was priceless, too. Whe rules and is an amazing singer. "A."
Smiley Tim even gave a good performance this week. It was a little boring, but likable. The judges must have had someone say something to them, because they were amazingly nice and encouraging. Simon even said that Tim has taken past criticism "like a man," whatever that means. Maybe the judges are using this strategy of niceness to try to get him voted off, I don't know. He gets a "B-."
Casey James, or Fabio, or Trevor, was up next. Okay...... he was amazing. I actually thought his vocals were awesome, the arrangement was very nice, and the accoustic guitar/cello combo made it feel intimate and vulnerable. I loved it! Simon even thought it was the best performance of the night so far. Kara called it "soulful." I agree. He gets an "A."
Siobhan was next. Surprisingly, her fellow contestants called her, "interesting, wierd, unique, and amazing." Wearing a grey vest over a lace wedding gown that got put through a paper shredder, she sang very subdued sitting on the stool the whole time. Her eyes and lips were very sparkly .... as she sang with restraint and control. This showed how beautiful of a voice she really has, but I couldn't help thinking that this could go on my kids' "Lullaby" playlist on my iPod. Very mellow, but very pretty. "B+."
Last up was Lee, who is apparently BFF's with Andrew. I loved that Crystal said they could get married and have little Danny Gokey babies. Awesome. Okay, I think the judges went easy on him, because I thought he was really pitchy at the beginning. I love his voice, but I actually cringed a couple times at some notes! Then, just when his vocals were getting better, a fricking full-costumed bag-pipe player came walking down the Adam Lambert memorial staircase, playing the bagpipes! WTF? I didn't even know that Jude was Scotish! This was definitely the wierdest moment of the night, and was never really explained, except that it was Lee's idea, so I guess that makes it make perfect sense. "B-."
Okay, what do you think? Who is going home? Based on last night, it probably should be Aaron or Andrew. What do YOU think?