Thursday, August 16, 2007

Top 4 perform!

Last night we saw the top four dancers from "So You Think You Can Dance" perform. While the show had great moments, I was expecting it to be as great as the top 6 show. It was good, with some great moments (Danny's solo,) and now tonight we will find out who the winner will be.

Some things to comment about:
  • The "fox" routine. What????? I actually loved it, but felt it probably wasn't the right time or place for that routine. I loved it, though.
  • The male "throne" routine. Loved it. Loved Neil's makeup for it. I think they messed up because we never saw Neil leap over Danny completely like we saw during the "rehearsal" segment several times. Loved the routine anyway.
  • Sabra's solo. It didn't blow me away. At all. I expected more.
  • The Lindy Hop. I liked it, and it looked difficult and extremely athletic. But, did they seem tired to you? How could they not be?
  • What was up with Nigel saying he thought a girl should win it, just because one never has? Someone online said "I voted non-stop for the guys just because of Nigel's comment."
  • I love the family support: especially the Schwimmers and the Walls (Danny's family), and I saw a big group for Neil. There are a lot of Sabra fans, too. Me included.

Okay, more comments? Look for your email from Beth for clarification of how to send in your picks for today! Good luck everyone!