Thursday, August 16, 2007

Top 4 perform!

Last night we saw the top four dancers from "So You Think You Can Dance" perform. While the show had great moments, I was expecting it to be as great as the top 6 show. It was good, with some great moments (Danny's solo,) and now tonight we will find out who the winner will be.

Some things to comment about:
  • The "fox" routine. What????? I actually loved it, but felt it probably wasn't the right time or place for that routine. I loved it, though.
  • The male "throne" routine. Loved it. Loved Neil's makeup for it. I think they messed up because we never saw Neil leap over Danny completely like we saw during the "rehearsal" segment several times. Loved the routine anyway.
  • Sabra's solo. It didn't blow me away. At all. I expected more.
  • The Lindy Hop. I liked it, and it looked difficult and extremely athletic. But, did they seem tired to you? How could they not be?
  • What was up with Nigel saying he thought a girl should win it, just because one never has? Someone online said "I voted non-stop for the guys just because of Nigel's comment."
  • I love the family support: especially the Schwimmers and the Walls (Danny's family), and I saw a big group for Neil. There are a lot of Sabra fans, too. Me included.

Okay, more comments? Look for your email from Beth for clarification of how to send in your picks for today! Good luck everyone!


  1. Annie good observation you're right Neil didn't do that jump. Unfortunately for my picks that I've already made I thought that (Okay don't kill me Candice) that Danny and Lacey really stood out A LOT. Lacey was really starting to bother me the last few weeks too with her hand all in her hair in all of her solos. (that muppet!) and the solo last night with the longer dress hmmmm thats a thought. no bum shots for the camera, its about time. Sabre always showcases her entire body the camera has no choice she is all over the floor. I think that Sabre and Danny looked great together. Neil is phenomenal but Danny is unbeatable he upped it last night in his solo. He saved it till the last. Can I change my mind now?

  2. Oh I forgot the Fox routine. I LOVED IT!!!!

  3. I have already voted for Sabra for #1.

    But last night, the standouts were the MEN. Sorry, girls, but Neil and Danny mopped the floor with you. Lacey and Sabra are both worthy artists in their own right, but there is just no comparing the energy, solos, leaps, turns, and sheer charisma with that of the guys last night.

    My vote is going to be hedged big time. I forsee that for the second year, a MALE will win the title of America's Favorite Dancer. Just not sure which one, at this point.

  4. Yeah, I think the boys have the most excitement on stage. The sword fighting and the fox piece I thought were awesome.

    For me, I think Danny takes it followed by Neil. Then Sabra and Lacey.


    P.S. I predict an offscreen romance for Danny and Sabra. Thems was some real flirtations during their rehearsal bit.

  5. Is Danny gay?

    My gaydar must be malfunctioning. I thought he was W-A-Y nto Sabra last night.

  6. Yeah, I originally thought so too, but after that I think it's possible that Danny may just seem gay, but really isn't. You know, kinda like E...

  7. Who is "E?" Do you mean Bradl-"E."

    Just kidding.
