Thursday, August 9, 2007

Top 6 perform!

Last night the top 6 performed! I don't know about you, but I think they are all fantastic and it's going to be hard to have two leave on Monday night. Then, we will see the top 4 on Wednesday, with a two-part finale - two hours Wednesday, and two-hours on Thursday. Whew! I have to block out some time!

Guest judge Debbie Allen joined regular judges Mary Murphy and Nigel Lythgoe. The six remaining dancers performed two couple dances and one solo dance. In what will likely go down as the best overall So You Think You Can Dance performance show ever, the judges were blown away by several incredible performances, as was I.

For their first couples dance, Pasha and Lacey danced hip-hop to “In the Morning” by Junior Boys. Nigel said “I thought it was danced very well, and I think it brought your characters to life.” Mary said “I just can’t believe the two of you together how it’s come along.” Debbie said “Great opening number.” I thought they did a good job, but Lacey didn’t really get to shine to her full potential, and Pasha was really good, but didn’t blow me away. He was great in character and played the part well, of a geeky guy who has fantasies with a mannequin???

For their second couples dance, Pasha and Lacey danced “smooth waltz” to “A Daisy In December” by Mick McAuley & Winfred Horan. Nigel said “I thought the rise and fall, the flow of the movement, the lines and everything was absolutely beautiful.” Nigel didn’t like Lacey’s hands going down at the ends instead of making a continuous line, however. Mary said “It was absolutely dreamlike.” Debbie said “This was like Love Story, and everyone watching wanted to be one of you.” It really was beautiful. I think Pasha is probably one of the best dance partners of all time. But, again, it really didn’t show off what they could do. These two would have been the perfect couple for the Paso Doble, right? A Latin dancer and Latin dancer! Come on! That would have been amazing.

For their first couples dance, Danny and Lauren danced contemporary to “Then You Look at Me” by Celine Dion. Nigel said “Incredible! Absolutely incredible!” Mary said “It was a really a special treat to be sitting here actually and watch the two of you dance that like you did.” Debbie said “This was passion and perfection personified.” This piece was choreographed by Mia Michaels, and it was unlike anything we’ve seen before. They were running all over the stage. They did a great job with it, and it was technically difficult as well.

For their second couples dance, Danny and Lauren danced Disco to “Don’t Leave Me This Way” by The Communards. Nigel said “Absolutely incredible.” Mary said “I thought it was so much fun.” Debbie said “What a perfect duo, the two of you together.” This piece was also actually quite difficult, technically. They pulled it off, and actually looked like they were having fun. I can only hope that people like Danny more and vote for him, as he is an amazing dancer.

For their first couples dance, Neil and Sabra danced Jazz to “Sweet Dreams” by the Eurythmics. They were like cops in a “questioning room” arguing over a table. I’m sure that’s the correct technical term. Nigel said “I hope the finale comes up to this standard, because the dancing and choreography this week are just incredible.” Mary said “You were both equally terrific.” Debbie said “That’s how I like it, hard and fast etc.” Nigel gave Debbie a look, like, this is inappropriate and sounds very sexual. He actually looked a little embarrassed. What is going on between those two, anyway?

For their second couples dance, Neil and Sabra danced Paso Doble to “Espana Gani” by Juan & Gennaro. Nigel said “Wow that was absolutely stunning.” Mary said “I think you guys did tremendous.” (Um, grammar police!) Debbie said “I was so thrilled to see y’all dance this tonight.” This was really fun to watch. Neil was great, and looked great! Sabra was cute, too, of course. And, what about the “human donut” move? That was crazy! But again, this dance really should have gone to Pasha and Lacey, who both do Latin dance.

In the solo dances, Sabra danced to “Rock You Soul” by Elisa. Her solo was amazing, I thought. Pasha danced to “Total Eclipse of the Heart” by Bonnie Tyler. He used a mannequin, which was a little different. Don’t know that I loved his solo. Maybe this week’s mannequin partner dance really got him going on the mannequin fantasy. Just kidding, Pasha, you know I think you’re great! I am a little worried, though. Lauren danced to “Sorry” by Maria Mena. Neil danced to “Out Of My Hands” by the Dave Matthews Band. His solo made me say “wow” a few times. Lacey danced to “Le Disco” by Shiny Toy Guns. This solo was on the risqué side, and I actually noticed her hair extensions a lot, Candice! I didn’t love her solo. Danny danced to “The Fear You Won’t Fall” by Joshua Radin. His solo was good, but I don’t think he needed to lean over backwards off the stage. Maybe he was trying to connect to the song title.

Okay, I'm finally going to talk about this "hush-hush" topic: number fingers. We see it in American Idol, we see it in So You Think You Can Dance. Do "number fingers" bug you? They kind of bug me. If someone was #2 and stuck the two fingers up their nose, I would think that was funny, though.

Also, it seemed like all the judges were unusually nice tonight.

Who will be the next two dancers to be eliminated from So You Think You Can Dance? After this performance show, none of them deserve to go home, so it will likely be a very close vote. The next two eliminations will be revealed on the next results show, airing on a special day and time: Monday, August 13 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT). So, get your votes in to Beth by 5:00 pm Monday!


  1. I will just quickly add that they were all good, I am a little concerned with Pasha's solo. I didn't get the dress in the middle of the floor BUT he stood out in the hip hop routine! oh my! what to do!

  2. OK, my snopsis:

    Pasha, the fact that you look and dance the same whilst dancing with a partner that is ALIVE vs one that does not have a pulse is a little disconcerting.

    While I agree that Pasha is an outstanding partner and really does work well as part of a duo, in almost any style (and I say "almost" because the hip hop dance he danced this week was a gift from heaven for him, as a gangly "geek" type, which was fun to watch. But had he been assigned a more traditional 'street funk' hip hope routine, I think it would have been more transparent that hip hop is not Mr. Pasha's cup of tea.

    That said, it's not mine either. Maybe it's a sign of genuis. :)

    Lacey? All hair and hips, man. I *hated* her solo - what was the point of that, exactly? That was an unfortunate choice for her - she really needed to step it up to the level of 4 of the 6 other solos, and failed to do so.

    Lauren was outstanding. Aside from the fact that the Mia Micheals piece was ridiculous and basically involved 30 seconds of lyrical pas de deux work followed by the Junior Olympic Sprinting Trials across the stage and catwalk - it was a mess.

    The fact that the judges likes it speaks mroe to the attitude and abilities of the dancers to pull off the obscure vision of this choreographer than the actual piece itself. Lauren looked lovely and peaceful throughout the bizarre and disjointed piece - that is a testament to her ability to dance from her soul.

    And the disco piece was sheer fun. It was my second favorite of the evening: surpassed only by the Jazz routine with Sabra and Neil grappling in an 80's power struggle over a table. BRILLIANT, that one.

    Danny was Danny. Consistent, proficient, talented, and a thrill to watch. However, in this particular episode of the "Days of Our Dancers", Neil upstaged him. Clearly, Neil stood out - he WORKED that Paso Doble in ways that truly surprised me. He inhabited that role and just ran with it: apparently there is Spansh somewhere in his genetic code, cause DANG.

    And as to the Jazz number, it was my FAVORITE of the whole night. As I anticipated the dance and noted an empty stage with just a big table in the middle, my heart sank. I thought, "Oh great, this is going to be interesting." But the dance and the dancers gripped the audience instantly and just soared through the choreography which highlighted their strengths. HELLO: that plange thing Neil did? The one where his whole body was extended, rigid, in midair, over Sabra's? Just amazing.

    And Sabra!! If this contest is meant to reward the dancer with the most talent and potential, Sabra is the rightful winner, hands down. She has only been dancing for 4 years? And already is such a high caliber artist to be holding her own in EVERY STYLE she has been assigned? This woman has a gift. Her dancing is not a honed skill, it is a special gift she has.

    As for my boy Neil, he outshone the other two XY chromosome dancers by a substantial margin last night. His solo was the strongest in the bunch and both of his dances with Sabra was captivating and flawless in execution. I was floored, since he has been a dark horse in the running for me since the beginning of this competition.

    Monday should be interesting.

    As for me, I wanted to vote for the mannequin that Pasha danced his solo with. Was that THE most bizarre moment so far, or what?
