Friday, March 28, 2008

Goodbye Chikeze!

Bye Chikeze!

I have to say that I will miss your infectious smile!
I didn't love your last song.... but did enjoy some of your performances very much!


So, I am in 40th place.

4 - 0.

This is bad. I need to get some picks right.

How are you guys doing?

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

David Cook rocks it hard

What a great performance from David Cook. I agree with the judges that if he keeps it up he could be a real contender . Who would have thought so a few weeks ago? Billie Jean - very creative.

But oh my dear Ramiele - what a tough night for you babe. I actually would love to see her stay, but it will be tough after tonight's performance. She couldn't stay on pitch to save her life. Not a good night for Carly either and thus probably a repeat for her in the bottom three.

As for Kristy Lee, she may have pulled herself out of the crosshairs for a week with her patriotic bit. It was a good performance and she actually does have a strong voice. Better song choices could actually keep her in the game longer.

So who else does that leave in the bottom three...? Chikezie?

What say you?