Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Rock and Roll Hall of Shame

Sooooooo, how did you like it?
Are we sure we are in for an All-David top 2?
Is Syesha going to make it?
Is Jason begging us to go home? What do you think?
I love "the Bobs:" Bob Marly and Bob Dylan, but this left me empty. Jason's Bob Marly version was pretty goofy - I couldn't help being distracted by his strange bobbing up and down. Is that called dancing? I'm not sure. I kind of liked the hair down, though.
But, I was so relieved when Jason started singing "I Shot the Sheriff,"........ it sounded great, he looked good, and was safe on the stool with the guitar. He had a fun bedazzled black shirt on, and his hair was neatly contained in a pony holder. Then, he SHOT HIMSELF by forgetting the lyrics. Jason, you are killing me. I was rooting for you... but, now, you have to go.
Syesha looked beautiful, pulled out all the leg show for the first song, and was fun to watch. Then, she had the boob show for the second song. I was actually touched by her show of emotion, and how the song was so meaningful to her. It made me like her. If I actually voted, I might have voted for her tonight. She seemed like a person and not a robot this week. Except she kind of looks perfect, so maybe she is a she-bot.
David Cook, what the heck was that first song? Too much Da da da da da's in "Hungry Like a Wolf." And, why did you pick that song? It covers about two notes...... you can do better. And, he did!!!! I loved Baba O'Reilly. So good. I loved the controlled lyrics at the beginning..... and then the rocker David at the end. It was really good!
Little David...... he was great, again. Really, pretty flawless. Great lyrics. It was good.
But, really, for me, the depth of David Cook beats the flawlessness of David A. But, that just proves I'm not 14 I guess. ....... And, I don't actually vote.
Okay, what did you guys think?