Thursday, March 13, 2008

We're off and running!

So, we finally went big time... Hope you are all enjoying having control over your own ability to enter your picks and to change them at will. Just don't be late or, as some of you found out on Wednesday, you will be cut off!

As you have probably noticed we don't yet have the rankings page working, but hopefully it will be by this weekend. Then you will all be able to see that I am in the lead. :) haha.

So, then given my perfect score, it probably goes without saying that I thought this week's elimination of David Hernandez was obvious. (Sorry Scotty, but what were you thinking? 6th place?). However, I shall enjoy my lead for now as I am not confident it will hold as the field of contestants is very diverse and the public's taste is even more so. The fact that Amanda hangs in there is testament to that. I actually like her, but I'm not sure if were a voting man if I would vote for her. And where the heck is Sanjaya when you need him?!! Actually, wasn't that him they kept showing in the audience last night? Oh brother.

So where are all of you quiet little peeps? I'm guessing that half the camp will be shooting for Kristy Lee to go next week and the other half Sayesha. I was surprised by how many of you had her going out this week. But, that's what makes this so interesting!

What say you?