Friday, July 27, 2007

Top 10 results show

Bye-bye to Kameron and Jaimie.

No more faux hawks for awhile....maybe not until next season's American Idol.

Jaimie, I will miss your beautiful dancing, and Kameron, I feel I never really got to know your dancing, besides your partnering with Lacey.

I thought that Mia was wearing that upside-down Marine emblem on purpose, but apparently she had no idea what she was wearing. So, hence the appology from Mia about the jacket on Wednesday night. And, Nigel tried to explain the "anti-war" dance by Wade Robeson. I got what he was trying to say. Yes, it would great to have peace all the time, and I think that was Nigel's message.

I loved Mia's opening routine. I don't know about you guys, but sometimes I'm frustrated by the camera angles that we are forced to watch. Sometimes I want to see the big picture more, etc. But, a great routine, I thought.

Thoughts on the show, anyone?


  1. I'm so bummed that I forgot to turn in my votes yesterday. I was home with a sinus infection and remembered at about 8:59pm as I was flipping through the tv guide!

    Anyways, I would have voted for Cameron and Jamie I swear. Even though Jamie is a beautiful dancer, all the other girls have much more vivacious personalities and really overshadow her.

    Kam has been skating on thin ice the entire season and the only reason he was still on the show was that he was fortunate enough to be paired with Lacey.

    I thought the opening number was spectacular and I was pleased that Mia Michaels chose to showcase Danny and what a superb dancer he really is.

    I have one question for the hair and makeup people though, WHAT THE HELL DID CAT HAVE IN HER HAIR?

  2. *~*~*~*~*~*News Scroll*~*~*~*~*~*~*

    Breaking News: In the rarest event of the season, Candice actually managed to choose the correct dancers to be sent packing in the poppool for SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE.

    Like Hailey's comet, this incredibly unusual phenomenon will likely not repeat in our lifetimes.

  3. I have a confession to make:

    I have been handicapped throughout this process by my inability to get beyond the fact that Lacey looks like she is donning a shaggy bathmat on her noggin.

    It's kind of like not being able to see the forest for the trees: I can't focus on her feet when those massive, ratty hair extensions on her HEAD are flapping around.

    I know. I need to let it go.

    ...Serenity now...

    I have another confession to make:

    I flip-flopped on this weeks' vote so much that I emailed one set of dancers to Beth and then CHANGED MY VOTE at about 15 minutes to the deadline, to Kameron and Jaime. But the fact that I managed to actually get this week's picks RIGHT illustrates that my SYTYCD instincts are RARELY on target. Always a humbling realization. :) Flip-flopping, with the exception of politics and ice-cream choices, can be a useful, good tool.

    The primary lesson I learned from this weeks' show, aside from the obvious "sappily-overt-anti-war-dance+upside-down-Marine-emblem-jacket+national-TV-audience=toxic-combination", is that America has a short attention span. The voting goes on within the first 90 minutes after the dancers leave the stage on Wednesday night. If I sit around and analyze it for 24 hours, I am inevitably going to get it wrong. I need to do what the huddled masses of America's best and brightest 14-18 year olds are doing (because, really, that is the voting demographic): make my choice as an instant reactionary
    decision rather than an existential dilemma that lasts until the moment Cat tearfully bids two unlucky souls goodbye.

    Or simply pick two names out of hat. I still haven't ruled that strategy out for next week.

    As to Kameron and Jaime's exit last night: it was correct. But an argument can be made for any of the dancers, with the static exception of Danny, being sent home last night. They are all wonderful and they all have their flaws. And at this point in the game, the level of proficiency and performance from these young individiuals is extremely high. The post-Cedric SYTYCD is boiling down to an elimination from amidst a thick echelon of high-caliber artists, which is satisfying and entertaining to watch.

  4. Well, I did pick Jamie and Kameron and then as I was typing the names out, that little voice said, if there is a dance for your life there is no way the judges will let Jamie go.... so I changed my girl vote to Sara. Then as I discovered that the judges were not involved .... I knew that my first choice was right...
    Jamie is just too predictable... I want her to say a bad word or something. (just kidding) not really.

    We'll never know if Kameron could have done more because he never knew he wasn't bringing it because Lacey was pow!

    And Cat (the blogger) yeah, what was that stuff hanging off her head. It reminded me of the dried wrist corsage from my prom. It's all I could look at.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I love all the comments.

    Brad and Beth are in Seattle for a wedding. Their own.

    Just kidding.

    So, I don't know when the scores are going to be posted. Also, Jill C.'s votes haven't been posted because there was some confusion probably because Sonya was sending in votes for the two of them. I'm sure it will be corrected soon.

    As for Cat and her outfit, I thought she was wearing some kind of 60's flower child costume complete with the flowers in her hair. Slinky cave-girl one night, flower child the next. Her costume person must be smoking something.

  7. And.....
    Candice, you are too funny about getting the votes right. You are probably going to get them all right from now on and beat everyone.
