Thursday, July 17, 2008

Top 10, sort of!

Well, the top 10 performed tonight. That is: minus Jessica, with the return of Comfort.

It would have been fun to see them return Thayne just to surprise everyone.

But, it was great to see Comfort and Twitch do a hip-hop routine together.
I have to say that I cannot believe how good Will and Katee are. They are just incredible. Magnificent. They are a treat to watch. I hope they are there until the end. It would be a crying shame if they aren't. Poetry in motion.
Also..... if you didn't read Adam B. Vary's recap last week (see the link in the previous blog here at poppool,) and if you didn't actually click on the link to Desmond Richardson's youtube videos..... you absolutely must go do that. That Desmond is AMAZING.... so, Nigel was right to point out what an honor it was to have him and his partner there. Incredible. I wonder if they brought them in just to specifically choreograph for Will and Katee. ?????

Stephanie Lysaght from the LA Times does a great re-cap.... she was actually there at the taping of the show... and even describes Nigel's face after Kherington's solo. Click here:

Don't forget to get your votes in, and this week you also need to pick your #1 dancer for "game 3."

Last week we had 1 comment...... I dare you to do more poppoolers.


  1. Interesting link to the behind-the-scenes post Annie, thanks for sharing that.

    This week will definitely be interesting with all the changes. I was just assuming Comfort would be on her way back out, but after reading the post I am doubting myself.

    The real trick is picking for Game 3. Guy or Girl? In either case will be the obvious choice, or the dark horse that comes from behind.

    Speaking of coming from behind, I guess I missed Kherrington's display that embarrassed Nigel. I guessed I watched to fast this morning. Maybe I'll have to go back and watch that again.

    On the cute factor, I would have a real hard time deciding between Chelsie, Kherrington, or Katee. From a dance perspective they are all quite close as well. If it is going to be a guy, I think Will is the clear favorite, though Twitch seems to be an audience favorite.

  2. I'm back to blogging Annie. Thanks for keeping it going. I just love this season and I have my favorites. The remaining guys are so good. I must say that that Will is fantastic. He is so amazing to watch and so very easy on the eyes. And that Joshua, I just love him. He is doin this thang out there.

    Katee for me is the best girl out there now. The mix up of the teams has really changed my view on a couple. I loved Kherrington with Twitch, but she was a mess last night - just a mess. And that really leads me to a tough call on my picks for tonight. For girls, I would think Comfort but it could be Kherrington. For the guys, it think its a little easir.

    But what about game 3. Will is definitely a favorite as a complete package, but clearly there are other dancers like Twitch that are favorites. He is doing surprisingly well in some of the other styles, but he was so great last night with Comfort in the hip hop routine.

    Who knows!!

  3. I noticed the tush shot last night, thought it was interesting, but not expecting that from Kherington. I don't know I think if the judges were deciding it would have to be comfort going but this could be too close for comfort. It may be Kherington, what happened there? Between Mark and Gev, Mark is quirky but Gev was outstanding. The quirkiness factor may not work.
    Can't wait to see who it is!

    Dina B

  4. This is me commenting. :)

    LOL. I am frustrated with the return of Comfort. She's like the Susan Lucci of dance. In reverse.

    I do think my least favorite dance this week was the Comfort-Twitch pairing of the waltz. Lions and tigers and bears, OH MY HELL. That dance blew. Hard.

    And the hip hop was not good enough to save it. Sorry, but no. Even hanging the disco balls from each of theri costumes was not enough to save it. I love Twitch, but dang.

    Personally? Will, Katee, Josh, and both Chelsie's are the strongest ones standing in my opinion. We'll see how this all pans out, but I am REALLY enjoying this season.

