Thursday, July 10, 2008

Top 12 Perform!

Today I will simply direct you to read Adam B. Vary's excellent recap of last night's show (from Entertainment Weekly.) He does such a great job and says it all.


Also..... if you are interested in contemporary dance AT ALL.... you must click on his link to see the Desmond Richardson video to know what Mia Micheals was talking about when she compared Will to him. The video is AMAZING. What total body control.

Who is going home? Will Mia be able to save Thayne? Shock me and post a comment, I dare you.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, I've been slacking when last year I was eager to see the hilarious blogs. First I have to say that Cat is amazing looking... but it's always fun to make fun of the outfits she wears.... last night was barbeque night, that outfit was fit for a barbeque.... what a contrast from last week! AS for the dancers, they are all amazing but I think Thayne is on the "going home train" and I think at this point, the hard part is going to be picking the final eight. Okay, Mia was pretty shocking last night, Poor Jessica in Will's shadow but the girl didn't let it get her down... she was awesome in the first dance. Geeze but Mia was pretty brutal, must have been channeling her inner Bob Fosse hence the hat. ..... she usually adores the dancers except for the "stabbing" comments. I will have to check out Desmond Richardson... One more thing, I really liked the Bollywood piece... The one thing I love about the partnership between Joshua and Katee is the complete trust and sync between them, It's always there....

    Dina :-)
