Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Don't cry for Sanjaya

It was a good night for most of the performers tonight - they must have gotten good solid advice from the guest hosts who apparently were not drunk. Even little Sanjaya pulled something out of his hat, showed a little manliness, and covered up his lack of vocal prowess with his strutting around the stage. When I first saw the cutaway to the young crying girl Ashley during Sanjaya's performance, I thought we had been given the proof as to why he is still in the competition. I thought to myself, ah ha! There are millions of these young girls crying themselves to sleep each night because they can't be with little Sanjaya. It was insane - just like the Beatles 50 years ago - and what an appropriate night for it to happen. But then as the show progressed it became clear that this little girl was just peeing in her knickers at the sight of any American Idol within 50 feet and probably would have acted the same if Simon Cowell had sung "I'm Henry the 8th I am" (how is that anyway?). I think she was probably crying from the moment she entered the theater and no doubt left a giant puddle on the floor of the stage after being hugged by all of the Idols at the end of the show.

So who's on their way out? Sanjaya is certainly at risk because most of the population over 20 that doesn't vote 18 times a night for one person still wants him out. Stephanie continues to teeter on the brink of the bottom three and likely may find herself among the bottom dwellers for lack of any other obvious targets. Haley? I don't think so if the straight male population will have anything to say about it. I think it was that little shimmy she did at the end that may have kept her in the race for at least one more week. Gina? Maybe. Phil, great performance, but for goodness sake, don't get too close to the camera or you will scare all of the young teenage girls into voting one more time for Sanjaya just to make sure that they don't have too look at the whites of your eyes one more week. Chris, Chris, Blake, Lakisha and Jordin - all safe performances. Melinda, take it home baby.


  1. I'm assuming from your post that you're a straight male over 20. Are you holding people in your group who vote for Haley in equal contempt with teenage girls who might vote for Sanjaya? If not, why not? Please explain to me why your attractions are more valid than the attractions of teenage girls. Is it because you're bigger and harder and there are more of you? Think about it for a while, please.

  2. Hmmm... this last comment sounds like it has some anger in it.

    I think Sanjaya is actually getting votes from the "votefortheworst" website publicity, and from Howard Stern's fans. He probably has lots of his own fans, as he is good-looking, has a nice smile, and seems like a nice person.

    But, as a staight female, even I had to check out Haley. Beautiful! Great legs, back, face! I can see that if someone were voting based on looks, she might get some. Right, people?

    But, hopefully, people will vote based on the singing.

    I think Chris R. is adorable, but I'm so glad Simon said that about "nasaly" - I thought I was the only one noticing it. He is super cute, though.

    And, Blake, Lakisha, Jordin, Melinda - love them! Great, and hopefully safe!

    I was lol at the "whites of Phil's eyes" comment. He can sing, but I see what you mean. He's nowhere near as believable as Chris Daughtry from last year. What can he do to step it up?

    Chris, Gina, Stephanie were all "just okay" for me, DAWG. Gina seems like she wants to rock - but come on - let go!! She's seems like she's holding back a little.

    And, why didn't Simon say anything really about Sanjaya? That was wierd. He usually never holds back. I just don't know what to think about him. I started laughing when he started singing (tough guy song,) then saw the little girl crying, and felt like I was in the Twilight Zone. (Is this real?) Sanjaya was trying to look rockin', I think, but his nice smile just takes the tough out it.

    I felt Peter and Lulu were great.

    And, was that little Ashley related to the producer Nigel? I don't think it would be possible to show him any more in the audience. He's probably saying, "You must put the camera on me at least 20 times, or I'm not producing this crap any more!"

  3. Here are three comments from Idol fans that I found, and thought were tasty little morsels (not from me):

    I think LuLu and Olivia Newton John have the same stylist/trainer/plastic surgeon.

    However, what really shocks me is how NICE the judges are being to Sanj for a change. I have to think that the Idol Executive Producers sat them down and reminded them that if Sanjaya doesn't make the tour, then they're going to lose millions of teenybopper fans, and hence,
    millions of dollars.

    My prediction is that within a year or so, some enterprising TV producer will put Sanjaya on a family sitcom, where he'll play the nice, good-looking kid who has to deal with problems like having two dates to the school dance. And the girls will scream when he enters the set, and he'll never have to sing again, and everyone will be happy.

  4. OK people, don't be chicken and identify yourselves. I'm throwing comments out there mostly for comedy and to spur debate. I'm all for a good healthy and fun debate, but you need to stand up and identify yourself. I didn't want to have to complicate this by requiring everyone in our group to signup for the blog separately, but it looks like I may have to.

  5. Game 2 right now is very important. Although Game 1 is worth 50% of the points, you recieve partial points for all your picks. Game 2 is what will seperate the top from the bottom.

    Good luck on your picks this week.

  6. Would just like to thank Beth and Brad for all there hard work. This is AWESOME!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Thanks Beth and Brad for setting this up!
    Being my first time on this pool, i think its quite exciting and i am right now torn between two contestants and I cant seem to decide who to pick! i have 1.5 hours left to submit my vote :) This is harder than i thought !!!

  9. Anonymous @ 12:48AM....deep breath please. Breath. That's it. Breath. Now repeat - Serenity Now! Serenity Now!

    Let me just say - It's damn nice to see the bald guy with the big ears and caterpillar eye brows back in the game! He's a tribute to us bald guys everywhere! Hat's off to all of us carry solar panels for our super-powered sex machines!!! WOOT!
