Thursday, June 21, 2007

Top 18 perform

What a great night on the show! There were some great performances tonight! I'm going to jump right into the show and get started here!

First off, Cat Deeley comes out in a halter dress that looks like someone threw up cranberry juice and blue playdough on it. She looked fabulous as usual. Then, we got to see all the dancers one by one, with of course, more rolling on the floor by Dominic.

The judges tonight are Mia, wearing a brooding black and gray shirt, Mary, wearing a spider web shirt with white, green, and orange, and Nigel, wearing all the same color matching his hair, and looking very tan. Probably from some exotic vacation house, rather than being sprayed by the girls from Sunset Tan. Mia said she was "gagging" about last week, and that America got it wrong.

Lauren and Neil danced first to a Dave Scott hip hop routine. I loved the choreography here! Fabulous. Neil is so darn cute and he and Lauren said they need to work on their chemistry. The judges liked them, much better than last week, and that they set the bar. They were good.

Then came Jessi and Pasha. They did Afro-Jazz. Fabulous. Are those feathers on Pasha's shoulder? Oh yes, and feathers in Jessi's mouth at the end for a nice touch. I really liked this piece. So different. Pasha is hot. He really is. Mia, Mary, and Nigel all thought it was great.

Next were Jaimie and Hok. Hok really surprised me in this one. It was a great performance, according to Nigel, but Mary pointed out that it wasn't technically correct in many parts. But, really, that Hok did well in partnering was pretty surprising and amazing. Okay, I was cracking up at Hok's pants and open shirt. He actually looked sleek and svelt. Jaimie was all sparkly.

Dominic and Sabra were next with a contemporary routine. Bird theme tonight. Sabra was a bird, and Dominic was a creature. ??? Actually, I thought this was great. I actually got chills because I thought that they did such a great job, when I wasn't really expecting it. Mia was teary-eyed, the judges were so proud of them. That was touching. Sort of like rooting for the underdog, and the underdog pulls through.

Faina and Cedric were next. They got the Fox Trot. Cedric, I'm so sorry. He was sort of a prop for Faina that didn't move very much. Faina was beautiful, but could not show how fabulous she is at this style with a partner who is an "insecure Michael Jackson." Hmm.... has Michael Jackson ever been insecure? Well, I guess changing your appearance so much that you don't look anything like you used to could be caused from insecurity. Or craziness. But, Cedric WAS insecure. I'm worried about him this week.

Lacey and Kameron brought out the sparkles for a broadway routine. Kameron said that "Lacey and I are working wll together....our relationship is 'growing.' It will 'show' in the dance." Good thing he wasn't wearing ballet tights. Hmmmm...... maybe they are "practicing" a lot together. Really, though, they are smoking. It was a great routine. The judges loved it. Nigel thought he was funny, I think, when he was kidding Kameron about asking Lacey's dad for her hand in marriage, etc. Ha ha ha. You are scaring the kids, Nigel.

Anya and Danny danced the Viennese Waltz to "You and Me," which was absolutely beautiful. I love these two and the judges do also. I got chills again to this one. It was so graceful. It blows me away that neither of them had done this kind of dance before. Nigel called it the routine of the night.

Jimmy and Shauna were next. Another Dave Scott routine. The judges liked it, and Mia said that Jimmy always fully commits to his dances. I love Jimmy. Shauna is good, too, but I think Jimmy outshines her.

Next was Sara and Jesus, dancing the Paso Doble to Queen???? Okay, I love Queen. And I love the Paso Doble. (sp?) I just can't spell it, I don't think. The Paso Doble from Paso Robles. Okay, my opinion is that most of the viewers haven't seen this kind of dance, so it might be nice to do it with the music that is usually goes with. Some Spanish mateador music. Jesus looked great, and Sara looked good, too. I was a little distracted that she is bigger than he is, and this is a macho kind of dance. I think she might be able to kick his a*s if she had to. (I told you to get that bull the **** away from me! You call yourself a bullfighter? HA! Don't make me kick your a*s again!) But, they were great, especially Jesus. It was kind of wierd though, with the music they were given.

Okay, what do you think? I think Faina and Cedric are in trouble, but it's hard for me to pick the other bottom two. Maybe Jaimie and Hok? Or Shauna and Jimmy? Or Sara and Jesus? Thoughts?


  1. I think Hok and Jaimie will be safe because people will vote for Hok - however Jaimie isn't that great when compared to the rest of the women and should be the girl leaving tonight. I think Cedric could be in serious trouble tonight - I just hope that when they end up in the bottom three the judges don't keep rubbing it in that he "let his partner down". The poor kid is trying so hard :-(

    I was surprised at how cute Pasha was - maybe it's the accent or the space between his front teeth - not sure, but I agree that he was HOT last night.

    Overall, I thought the show was spectacular and I got chills more than once while watching. Great frikin' entertainment! Makes me want to put on my boogie shoes and take a class!

  2. Grat blog, Annie.

    Personally, I think Shauna fails to impress at the level of most of the other women (even Sarah, who has ZERO classical or formal training and is really doing amazing, considering that.

    And my man Cedric was supposed to have been gone LAST week so that I could have actually earned *SOME* points. The boy better get the ax this week. But Neil is just barely flying under the radar - he is not that fabulous and I think he will round out the bottom two men tonight.

    Jimmy, Jesus, and Pasha kicked some serious butt last night and even Dominic avoided doing his typical wiggly frog thing all over the dance floor. :)

    Anya THRILLS ME, just absolutely thrills me. But I love watching Sabra and Jessi dance, too. I especially loved that so many of the numbers they performed in this episode were more classic partner dances, and not as hip-hoppy as they have been. I love the grace and elegance (and costumes) of some of the more traditional genres of dance.

    Did you ask about the bottom two, in terms of women? I think Shauna and Lauren are in trouble tonight.

    But based on my stellar track record, I don't think I can be counted on for accurate predictions. :)


  3. OK, you girls are all talking about the hot boys, but I must say there are some babes on this show. How about Lauren, or Faina, or Sara???

    Nice post Annie - you are a crack up! Your comment about Kameron wearing ballet tights was classic.

    Salsa in Santa Barbara

  4. Great post Annie. I'll have to make mine a little funnier next week. I'm dying over here. I had to go blind this week since I failed to set my dvr. I was so bummed when I found out. I only got to see the last two performances. Reading these helped me though.

    I did get to see Jesus and Sara. They are one of my favorites. I am so surprised at Sara's versatility in here dancing, especially since they referred to her as a b-girl in the earlier rounds. I think she will continue to surprise us. Jesus was great. I do agree with Mia's comments on the music and your's too Annie. It would have been great to have traditional Pasa Doble music instead of Queen. I found myself trying hard not to hear the music and just watch them perform.

    I also saw Shauna and Jimmy's hip hop routine and I didn't think she did bad this week. I thought she was much better than Faina doing hip hop. Shauna just doesn't stand out in the crowd with the rest of the girls.

  5. Thanks for the love y'all!

    Yes, Brad, I was thinking today that I didn't give enought shouts out the hot girls. I'll try to do better.

    Love to you all.
