Monday, February 18, 2008

Road to the Top 12

Hello Idol Fans,

I have a good feeling about this season.  It looks like the judges did there job at not letting the Sanjaya-types into the competition this year.  Once it gets into America's hands you never know.  

Who are your favorites so far?  From the contestants that we've seen so far, I have 4 favorites:  Asia'h, Carly, David Archuleta, and Michael Johns.  I can't wait to hear everyone sing on Tuesday night's show.  

Let's hear what everyone is thinking about the competition so far and who we should all watch out for.


  1. I like Syesha MercadoAge, Michael Jones, and Asia'h Epperson. If any of you missed Michael Jones sinning bohemian rhapsody—shame on you—here is a link to his performance.

    Bar none the best performance so far this season!

    Michael Anderson

  2. I was a bit underwhelmed by the boys last night. I even found the Michael Jones finally a bit anti-climatic. Perhaps, the biggest mistake was song choices. What were they thinking?

  3. Mr. Anderson...........

    (said in a Matrix way....)

    I can't remember if I beat you last season.... I must look it up.

    And Beth......

    I think that Leif Garrett is a Sanjaya type. I was not too impressed by him......

    I can't remember his real name....oh, Garrett Haley. Or is it Haley Garrett?

  4. I like Michael Johns, David Archuleta, and David Cook for the boys and for the girls Kady Malloy (nice Britney impression), Ramiele Malubay, and even Brooke White. But I think Chikieze and Kristy Lee Cook gots ta go.

    After tonight, hearing Joanne and Garrett sing, I had to wonder how they ever made it on the show in the first place.

  5. Leif Garrett... too funny, and too true. Well, he's gone, as he should be.

    My early picks...

    Alexandrea Lushington
    Michael Johns

  6. And how come two Pepe Le Pews got in to the top 24 anyway? Amanda Overit, and Jason Yeagermeister.

  7. the only one who did it for me tonight was david archuleta. lots of mediocre performances. my second best would go to either of the other two Davids.
