Thursday, March 12, 2009

Top 13 Eliminations: Two Go Home

Elimination Night – Top 13, Two sent home

Yey! Idol is only on two nights this week! Can I get an AMEN?!

Here we go, off to see two contestants ousted.

Let’s get to the important stuff: the outfits. Ryan is wearing a suit again, looking very fancy. Randy is posing as a frat boy in a sweater. Kara is a villain from a Disney movie, borrowing something from Maleficent’s closet with a menacing neckline. Paula is showing more skin than I’ve seen on her in a long time, and better be careful not to pull a Janet Jackson tonight. Simon is of course, in black, in honor of the two cuts tonight, I’m sure.

Ryan now tells of the new rule. I had to rewind to make sure I got it all right. They are allowed one “save” this whole entire season. If they use it, no one will be eliminated that week, and the next week two contestants will be eliminated. Okay, that’s one more thing for the point calculators to have to figure out on PopPool, and I know they are all over it.

Next we get to see the mansion the contestants are staying in… not too shabby. I couldn’t figure out who the guy in the beanie was who always wanted to live in a house like that. Oh, it’s Adam without the signature hairdo. Who knew?
Next is..... da da da daaaaaaa..... the Group Song. The whole time I was trying to watch Scott and see how he was doing, and then come the lyrics, "Oh Darling, I was blind....." That just doesn't seem nice. And, here is the big question: Why is Danny the only one who got a DANCE SOLO? Was his dancing so awesome last night that we needed more? That is going to kill him if he keeps doing that.

Next, we get to the Ford Vommercial. Please tell me they weren’t part of the government bailout. If they got bailed out, only to spend millions on Vommercials like this one that left the contestants giggling at each other, I think they owe all Americans a payback.

Finally we get to some results. Michael – safe. Allison – safe. Jasmine – please come to the center of the stage and stand there indefinitely. Matt – safe. Kris – safe. Megan – come to the center of the stage. Jasmine goes home. No save from judges. Then she sings again, I push the ff button as many times as possible, only to be told that Kanye is up next.

Kanye. Wow. I’m wondering if he likes himself at all, or if he thinks he’s at all cool. Hmmm. He needs to attend a self-esteem workshop. This was actually one of the best parts of the show for me because I now know that I can actually be surprised. Questions: Why the gloves? Why the towell hanging from his pocket? Is he planning on dripping so much sweat that he needs a huge towell to mop his sweaty face while singing only one song? What were the huge poufy sleeves of the female backup singer made out of and why? Why was the male backup singer wearing a bullet-proof vest with lots of pockets? Is he a cub scout/police officer? Or, does Kanye periodically threaten him with a gun? Last, but certainly not least, why the industrial welding masks on the band? Feedback please.

Then, during the commercial break I finally realized where I’ve seen Danny Gokey before: the Verizon commercial guy.

Oh wow. We actually get more results. There is a God. Scott – safe. Alexis – safe. Danny – safe. Anoop, go to the center of the stage. (He did not seem at all surprised.) Adam – safe. Lil – safe. Jorge – go to the center of the stage.

Then, out came Kelly Clarkson to sing “My Life Would Suck Without You.” I really like her amazing voice, but my life would suck if I had to listen to that song again.

Finally, we are told that Jorge is going home, and Puerto Rico will be flooded with the tears of millions. Not really. If they had voted that much, he would still be in.

What do you think of the results?

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