Wednesday, April 21, 2010

American Idol: The Top 7 Perform!

American Idol: Top 7 Perform!

Last night the great Alicia Keys was the mentor for the kids for “Songs of Inspiration.” I don’t know about you, but I was only inspired by 2 out of 7 of the performances. But, both those two brought me to tears, so I say it was well worth watching.

So, without further ado, this is how it went down:

First out of the gates was Casey James. He looked handsome, had some good guitar playing, but it was just okay. The judges thought it was good, but not great. He gets a C+ for playing it really safe and not being very inspirational.

Next was Lee. He sang, “The Boxer.” This was beautiful, awesome, brought me to tears (I am a sap and cry when things are amazingly beautiful.) He had the string section on stage, played the guitar, and pretty much ruled. The judges loved it. Simon called it brilliant and Kara thought this was his “moment.” He gets an A+.

Tim was next. This wasn’t bad. He’s not as great of a singer as Lee, but gosh darn it, people like him. He is smiley, and it was okay. Pretty good. The judges thought it was okay, but not great. B-.

Next was Aaron. I wrote, “The song is too big for him.” Then, the judges copied me and Randy said, “You picked a giant song. You did a good job with such a giant song.” The judges like him, and thought he did a good job, but Simon said, “If I heard it on the radio I would have turned it off.” B-.

Siobhan was next, wearing all kinds of butterflies on her shoulder and arm. Alicia Keys was very impressed with her voice, but again, she picked a big song by Whitney and Mariah (the Divas!) So, the rule is, if you don’t want to be compared to them, don’t pick songs they have done. Duh. Then, she said she didn’t want to be compared to them, but that she just likes the song. Hmmmm. Kara said she sang it well, but she still doesn’t know who Siobhan is as an “artist.” I think it was “just okay for me,” as Randy said. B+.

Michael was next, singing “Hero” from Spiderman. I have never heard this song, and I was actually kinda bored. What did you guys think? It was okay, but my mind kept wandering again to wondering what he would look like if he lost his “baby fat” layer. He actually has lots of muscles. I obviously wasn’t paying much attention to the boring singing. Simon thinks he’ll be around next week. (The judges like him, did you know that?) C+.

Crystal was last, and completely ruled the house. She sang “People Get Ready," without her guitar. She started singing without any band backup at the beginning, and I got the chills. She sang so beautifully, with the strings and band, and this was the second time I was brought to tears. Crystal even brought herself to tears at the end. Randy gave her a stand-up and Simon thought it was very inspirational and said she sang it “fantastically.” A+.

So, the best: Crystal and Lee. The worst: Casey, Mike, Tim, Aaron.

Some other notes: Why do they insist on using footage from dress rehearsal to show the replays at the end (Crystal’s tears and choke up were mysteriously gone,) and good thing I record Glee afterwards so that I can actually watch all of Idol!

So, chime in! Let us know what you think!

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