Thursday, April 7, 2011

Top 9 - all sing Fine!

I couldn't resist that title. Rhyming. Never gets old. Except all the time.

I'm posting this picture of Scotty, because I'm very intrigued. So many people like him. He WILL be safe this week. He showed a different side of his voice - it wasn't just all deep and stuff. My mom likes him. I guess I kinda get it. He seems nice. But, jeez, I still have a confused look on my face about why he is such a favorite. Look at the dorky look on his face and have you noticed his weird dancing?

Okay, let's move on.

Jacob starts the night out and says, "If I end up in the bottom three, it won't be because I sang the song wrong, but it will be because America is afraid to look at themselves in the mirror." Okay Jacob, it won't be because of your creepy hip thrusts, or because I was almost more interested in hearing your back-up singer than you? He did sing pretty well, but I was too busy looking at myself in the mirror to vote for him. (My skin is so dry lately.)

Haley was up next with a Janis Joplin tune, finally. She's cute, moves well, and growled on almost every single note. I think she'll be safe, but perhaps make an appearance in the bottom three.

Casey was next with, thank God, his string bass. The judges loved it almost too much, and I think it made them ignore all the weird things he does with his mouth and all uncomfortable faces he makes. I actually loved the song, though. Safe.

Lauren was next, tackling Aretha. Brave girl. She sang it okay; actually quite well. She has a great voice. But, Randy couldn't praise her too much, because, after all, if you sing Aretha, Mariah, or Whitney, you are asking for a little grey skies from Randy. And, her weird outfit? Gwen Stefani hates her. Gingham shorts over tights? And, the shorts kept bunching up at hger crotch. Will i. am needs to create another word besides COUNTROUL........ , it will be CROTCHING, for crotch bunching. (Thanks to Annie Barrett for that one.) Safe.

James was next. I drew a little cartoon character of his head while he was singing - squinty eyes, hair sticking up, ears sticking out. I like his voice so much, I just really wish he wouldn't keep blinking on camera!! He seems very sweet and has a good voice. I appreciated that he didn't do another crazy fast tune, and I liked it. I was glad he ended with an Adam Lambert signature note, but still I don't like him as much as Adam. He can sing. I liked the strings. Safe.

Scotty was next singing Elvis. Not bad. I'm still perplexed.

Pia. What the heck did Gwen Stefani do to you? She must not like you very much. You looked so hot and beautiful last week. Well, it must have done something for Steven, because he said "a million guys are having a million drinks in a million bars over you." Translated - "I want to do you." She sang beautifully. But, if this is Pia getting "wild and crazy," then that is hilarious. Great voice. Beautiful girl. Still mellow and subdued. Safe.

Stefano, "Pink Lips," was next. What's up with his pink lips? He actually sounded good! Great song, great job. His voice is so crazy high! I thought he did a good job. Probably his best yet, in my opinion. Maybe in the bottom three though.

Last was Paul. The producers told him to go crazy and sing it, or something like that. He sure did. He had fun. He had the coveted pimp spot, being last. He might be safe, but shouldn't be. He will probably be in the bottom three. He was last and everyone there was just done, so the judges really had nothing to say, and Paul inspired all the contestants to get up and do some crazy dancing that Ryan Seacrest and I felt would never end.

Bottom three: Jacob, Stefano, Paul, and maybe Haley or Lauren. Whoa, that's five. What do you guys think?

1 comment:

  1. You were looking at yourself in the mirror - that's funny.

    Yeah, it's a tough call this week because all were pretty good. I wouldn't have thought Jacob was at risk, but after listening to everyone, I feel like he could be. I second the note about the creepy dance moves.

    I believe Casey is still riding the sympathy wave from his near death experience a couple of weeks ago, but he's struggling to do something that really amazes lately. Anyone else think he is starting to sound a lot like Brett Dennen?

    Lauren sings well each time, but is always so forgettable. I expect to see her in the bottom 3 sometime soon.

    I thought Randy was unfairly tough on Stefano this week. I thought it was one of his best and certainly better than many other performances that Randy gave 2 thumbs up to - not sure why he chose to give Stefano the only criticism of the night. Don't get me wrong, I would actually prefer to see more of the criticism, but please do it across the board!

    Bottom 3: Jacob, Lauren, Paul.
