Wednesday, April 25, 2007

A bit of a changeup in tonights results

Yes, a bit of a curve ball in tonight's results. As we don't know how the results will be unveiled next week, we will wait to see if they give and indication as to which order the bottom two were eliminated. So, depending on how the results are unveiled next week, one of two things will likely happen with the scoring for PopPool.

1. We are told which order the bottom two are eliminated
In this case, Game 1 results will be unaffected and the contestants will be listed in the correct order of elimination. For Game 2, the contestant with the least votes will be treated as being eliminated this week and the contestant with the second to least votes will be treated as next week's elimination. This obviously creates a slight complication for Game 2 for if you incorrectly guessed for this week, you won't know if you can try again to guess that person next week. In order to ensure that scoring is fair in both cases, we will require that all players submit a different name for the Game 2 elimination than they did this week.

2. There is no indication of which order the bottom two were eliminated
In the second case, Game 1 scoring will be modified to treat the week 7 and week 8 eliminations equally as though both contestants were actually eliminated in week 8. For Game 2, a correct choice in either week 7 or week 8 will count regardless of the order. So, if you chose both of the contestants that are eliminated, you will get 2 points regardless of the order. If you guess only one of the two eliminations, you will get one point regardless of whether your choice is in the week 7 or week 8 position. Obviously, if you don't guess either one correctly, you will not get any points.

If there are any other modifications or complications, we will be sure to let you know. As a reminder, you are required to submit a different name for Game 2 next week than you did for this week. Good luck - it will be an interesting week next week!

Beth & Brad

Uh, did anyone else notice that there was a soft focus filter on Celine Dion during her performance? I wonder if that was in her contract. She was the only one. Funny... and weird.


  1. Beth and Bradley,

    I commend both of you for your responsiveness and attention to details in crafting a clear and equitable change in scoring rule.

    Keep up the good work!


  2. Wooo - hooo!!! I called it, did I not? (See bottom of previous blog.)

    That was a surreal show. Emotional, heart-tugging, and then Elvis.

  3. Here is a comment I found about the Celine Dion appearance:

    "Celine Dion singing with a circa 1968 Elvis Presley through the magic of digital imagery, CGI, and whatever other technology they threw at this to make it happen.

    Now, it was obviously prerecorded, not LIVE, but it was still way cool. Celine worked well with the man who wasn’t really there, even holding a corded microphone to match E’s.

    I did find it a tad schlocky – considering how degraded the video of the performance was, that they tried to pass it off as a LIVE endeavor by making sure the kids, dressed in white, entered and sang off to the side - you did catch that Sanjaya was in the group in that shot?"

    ...... So, they must have recorded that over a week ago.
