Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Songs That Inspire

Ryan opens with: This. Is Idol. Gives. Back.

Tonight, the kids will take the stage to sing what are being referred to as "life anthems", songs of "compassion and hope". And, every vote will be matched and/or supplemented by major corporations in America for a very good cause: to help fight poverty/disease/hunger in Africa and America. What's not to like about tonight? Good stuff all around.

(I WAS wondering, however, that whenever Ryan introduces footage of Simon and himself touring Africa, he never specifies which country they're actually in — as if the entire continent were all just one big border-free entity. In America, they actually mentioned the states they were in, I believe. Can we at least get a little education about Africa, too? I guess not.)

First up was Chris, who chose to sing Eric Clapton’s Change The World. His performance tonight was pretty good. Could it be that I just like Eric Clapton? Could it be that Chris's symmetrical looks are so just so pleasing to the eye? I actually really liked it. It was also my middle daughter's favorite performance, who was forced to stay up and watch it with me because our DVR is broken. (Feel my pain, please.) While sitting on the stool, his voice was less nasaly than I’ve heard it, and he was smiling and just cute, as usual. And I loved the red glow of the spotlights on his shaved Justin Timberlake head.
Randy said, "Tonight, dawg, dude, you in it to win it." (nice shirt, Randy); Paula said it was "fantastic", "well done", and that watching his journey has been "real exciting." Simon said "the competition starts properly tonight" and said of Chris, "this reminded me of the first time we saw you", "good vocal", "more soul" and "you did really well".
And.....How random. Ivanka Trump is in the audience.

Up next to sing – Melinda, who chose There Will Come A Day, by Faith Hill.
Her hair was longer and is working to create a neck. And, her singing: she is amazing.
I really liked her song. How could you not? My oldest daughter said at the end of the show that this was her favorite song.

Randy said she is "so dope", she has "got it all together", and that she has "arrived". I think she had already arrived when she had all those professional singing jobs before American Idol. Most of us have not even started the trip, yet. Paula said "there is no one like" Melinda, and called her "magical"; and Simon said it was "incredible", "a vocal master class."

Next - Blake!
He chose to sing John Lennon’s classic, Imagine. Okay. I got a little worried. That song is so classic, and loved for the artist himself. So.... I was hoping for the best, as I really like Blake. (
We're pals.) But......It was a little boring and lacked passion. Blake - come on. We want to have the emotion!

Randy called it a "great choice of song" but that "it was just aiight, just OK"; Paula said it was "a real sensitive, emotional performance"; Simon felt it was "sincere" but that "it didn’t go anywhere".

Coming back from another break, we found Ryan in Africa visiting a feeding center which provides meals to 150 orphans every day. And, Ryan said that they all waited until everyone had their food before they took a bite. Wow. Big Sigh.

I forgot to mention that my middle daughter was still talking about the kids who were sad because their mom and dad died. (In Africa.) Hmmmm...... The darn DVR broken issue. She's already afraid of Leprechauns because of the green water in the toilet on March 17th. This one is probably worse. And, it's actually REAL. Well, we can turn it into a discussion of being thankful and how we can give and help others.

Lakisha was next to sing. She chose Fantasia’s I Believe. Fatasia was in my pre-idol days, so I have nothing to compare it to. I thought that in comparison to the last few weeks, it was pretty good. But, I did cringe when she said she was doing a Fantasia song. Why does she want to do songs that other previous idols have done? It seems like a bad decision.

Randy cited "a couple pitch problems" but said that he did "like it"; Paula was talking and talking and talking, as she attempted to explain that Fantasia is "undeniably and wonderfully and magnificently unique" Simon tried to explain and said, "You are not Fantasia" but called it "very emotional". He attempted to add a few things but the audience wouldn’t let it happen, resulting in another "Will you SHUT UP?" out of Simon. My kids luckily weren't listening at this point, or they would have said, "Oooo. He said something bad." I love that they are still little.

Next up was Phil who chose Garth Brooks’ The Change. My middle daughter said, "Oh, it's a boy with no hair!" I thought he was okay, but wished he would sound a little more "country" like last week. But, maybe people liked him. He's a family guy, likes country music, and loves his country. Vote, middle America, vote! (He might also be a vampire.)

Randy called it a "very nice vocal"; Paula said it was "fantastic" and that this was Phil’s "best"; Simon started with "I really like you", complimented him on a "good choice of song", warned him to "keep the country tone from last week", and finished up with "people like you."
We just aren't sure about your Heed, your hats, your eyebrows, or your non-country music self. And, are you a vampire?

Next, they went to a food bank that was 20 minutes away from Simon's house. Simon called it "the most extraordinary place I’ve ever been." What??? Simon. Did you not know about places like this? In Santa Barbara, there is a wonderful place, the Unity Shoppe. It's a great place to donate time and food and clothes, and gives dignity to the people who go there. Check it out: I'm sure there are lots of other places and if you want to, please post your favorites here on this blog! Our family also likes: The Heifer Project, on a global scale. Also, one that is impressive that our friends give to is:, (in Africa.)

Finally, Jordin was up to sing You’ll Never Walk Alone from Carousel.
She looked gorgeous in her brown dress. THIS GIRL IS AMAZING. Really.

Randy called it "one of the best vocals of any contestant, on any show, in any season" and then, of course, he added "17 years old"; Paula called her "glorious" and said she did a "lovely job"; Simon stated, "You were fantastic" and that she "could have a hit record with that."
I thought it was touching that she was crying at the end of the song and seemed sincerely moved by the praise.

So....... who is going home? Are they going to "surprise" us by having no one go home tomorrow? Because, wouldn't that put a downer on the celebration tomorrow night with, drumroll......... Bono? But, send in your votes anyway. And, don't forget to pick your overall winner!

1 comment:

  1. Simon says "the competition starts tonight" - is that because Sanjaya is finally gone? Fox must be so relieved.

    Chris Richardson performed what I consdiered a fun version of Eric Clapton's "Change the World".

    When Melinda started singing I thought to myself, okay, we are finally going to get something just boring or average from Melinda. But all she does is come out and show that she cannot sing a bad song. How can she not win this?

    Blake - the dude can do very little wrong in my book, but I'm thinking he should avoid the slow sentimental stuff. He doesn't really have a great voice, but rather has more of an interesting and stylistic voice and that just doesn't do as well with long sustained and exposed notes. Furthermore, John Lennon is a hard guy to cover. Nice try. I hope this doesn't do you in.

    The problem with singing a song written by (for) an American Idol is that the songs are just typically not that great. The song is just over and I can't even remember the performance. Why would anyone want to aspire to be just another American Idol? Hmm, poor Lakisha. We'll save you a seat in the audience for the finals… probably next to Phil.

    Phil - Where the judges watching the same show I was? Hmm, I guess I missed something. Maybe I shouldn't have gotten up to make that hot fudge sundae during that performance.

    Jordin - Nice job. I wouldn't go so far as to say it was the best Idol performance ever. Randy obviously missed a few of the shows in past years. That's ok, that's why we are voting, not them. Of course I never vote either.

    Who will it be???
