Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Jenny... bésame. Bésame mucho!

Nice job Jennifer. A smart and beautiful presentation. You sold me. Still not sure if I'm ready to buy a record, but you earned some respect with tonight's appearance. I can't say that for everyone, Diana. So, my quick highlights for tonight.

Melinda - Yeah, I'd kinda have to agree with Simon - nothing memorable about this performance tonight. Nothing really bad, but nothing to sell me.

Lakisha - Yo Baby! Way to bust out!! OK, enough about your outfit.

Carlos Richardson - 'Nuff said.

Haley - Oh sweetheart. My sweet Haley. You continue to look good, but I'm afraid Simon hit it right on the head once again. You remain in the race for your looks. I'm actually quite surprised that there are as many heterosexual male voters for this show as her presence implies. Who would have thought? Maybe she'll get a gig on The Bachelorette after this show.

Phil - Nice lid bro - keep it… but I kinda kept wanting to straighten it out for him.

Jordin - I thought from her rehearsal footage that this might be her night, but the nerves seemed to be catching up with her a bit and the performance just seemed to lack a little steam as a result. I think Simon, agaaaiiinnn, is the only one who called it.

Blake - Yeah, he rocked it. Very simply, he just had style.

Sanjaya - Ha ha ha!! Who let Sanjaya have the brown crayons?...now he's done gone and drawn himself in a moustache and beard. I'm really confused by the curly bob cut though. It's like he's half man, half poodle. But, you know… someone can probably sell that.


  1. First up was Melinda, "I'm so not sexy" Doolittle (her words.) "Sway me smooth, sway me now," then Ryan said, "Thank you, sexy." What???? Did I hear that?

    Next was Lakisha, could it be possible to show more cleavage, Jones. I have never liked that song (Miami sound machine.) I agree with the judges, it wasn't a great song choice, but I see how she could say she was getting out of her comfort zone. Busting out, actually. Hee hee.

    Chris Richardson came out next with his cute smile and two rubberbands for bracelets. Paula was slurring something about him being hot and sexy.

    Then came Haley "legs" Scarnato, wearing an animal print with hot pants, of course. Jennifer said, "we need a beat." Her song went sort of like this, "blah blah, blah, blah, blah," but nobody cares because they are just looking at her legs, which look great.

    Next was Phil. Jennifer said "He gave me goose pimples." Is that a latin thing, because I've always heard goose bumps? Maybe goose pimples are what you get when you feel like you are being followed while walking home in the dark(which happens ALL the time for me.) I think he said, "vote for me, I love you," at the end. He loves us, guys. I'm really touched.

    Sixth up was Jordin. Jennifer said that "it reminded me of Michael Jackson." Was that because she was wearing some of his pants that went up past her belly button to her sternum?

    Next was Blake. He sang, "I Need to Know .... where I Put my anti-perspirant." He was actually my favorite so far. I actually really enjoyed his song. Melinda and Blake tonight are the only ones I actually really enjoyed listening to the songs.
    Paula basically said, "I'm wasted, you were thso great," and Randy and Simon liked Blake's performance a lot, too.

    Last, and least, was peach fuzz, bob-haired Sanjaya. Someone paid Jennifer to say, "I love Sanjaya," which she could barely say without laughing. Actually, it was probably my favorite Sanjaya performance so far, but it's no fair because he spoke Spanish, which gives you points. But, it creeps me out when he tries to seduce the camera to reach all those Fanjayas out there, who are all probably loving the fuzzy mustache and bob. Eeew.

  2. Oh my gosh, Phil is getting a bad rap out there. Here are some quotes:

    "I was also surprised at the artist formerly known as J. Lo, she was giving some honest good help. Phil MAN he looked like he justcame out the crypt."

    "MELINDA - LOVE YOU...but please discover the year 2007. LAKISHA - I dare you to pick a song that has NOT been done on Idol. BLAKE - Does every song have to sound like 311 now? CHRIS - You're cute. Don't ever sing that again. Sign me up for Team JORDIN now! HALEY - It was just all sorts of wrong. HE WHO SHALL NOT BE NAMED - Quit whispering your songs and get your face out of the camera. PHIL - Dude. I'm so sorry."

    "The camera was looking at everything but Phil. It's so odd. He looks normal when chatting with J-Lo, but with the make-up on, he looks like a corpse."

  3. I was kinda hoping to hear from Robert "AI Master" Reynolds. Oh, wait, he is way behind me now. Guess I will just have to depend on blind luck then.

    Good luck all you on your picks tonight.

  4. This is the first show of the season that I actually enjoyed! Could have been the spicey flavor. Could have been that JLO (WHAAT!??!) was the guest mentor. Could have been that there were more decent performances this show than any previous. Whatever. It was toe-tappen good.

    Because I like to give props when they are deserved, Brad and Annie you both made me laugh outloud with your very thorough play-by-plays! Enjoyed them as much as the actual show. Maybe more.

    Wait - to clarify, Bradley, what do you mean by the 'nuf said' comment about Chris R. He was great! Am I wrong?

    Good show.

  5. Chrystal - to answer your question, I referred to Chris as "Carlos" Richardson in admiration of his portrayal of Mr. Santana.

  6. Thanks for the love, Chrystal!

  7. okay, I'm totally bummed. 2nd place to 6th, and the depression sets in.

  8. HEY! Up to 54 from 66! ;) I'm gaining on you guys....better watch your backs!
