Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Oh Tony, get the hair out of your ears

Blake - I think Blake was a tad nervous tonight and his lack of confidence showed in his performance. I also think he was scared to disrespect Tony Bennett (my great uncle) and go against his recommendation to not beat box. That song was beggin' for a little refresher. Old Tony seems to be stuck in his time warp and just doesn't understand what these young ruffians are doing to the music these days.

Phil - Oh hey, for a minute there during his interview I thought he must have found his hair tonic 'cause we see a few sprouts coming in! But alas, he got a fresh wax just before the show. I think Phil must be Tony's secret grandson - stuck in the same time warp. Does that make him my cousin??? Wait... Rob Reynolds, you and Phil have the same barber! Or are you related? Hold it right there.. are we related???

Chris R - I think Chris upstaged Blake tonight.

Jordin - It was just aight for me. I can't figure out why Randy and Paula were so in love with her. I'm with Simon on this one.

Gina - A softer sweeter side of Gina. I thought it was a refreshing change and not too bad.

Sanjaya - Wait a minute. What did he just say? Did I just hear Tony Bennett say to Sanjaya "I'm a big fan of yours"??? Unc!!! What the F#&%!!!! Umm, maybe we are all wrong and Uncle Bennett is right. I give up. Sanjaya for President! Did you see the sign that said "Sanjaya is my Papaya". Isn't a papaya a fruit?

Haley - Way to bring the girls out again babe. Go with what's workin. It almost made me forget that missed high note. I actually didn't think it was too bad (other than the bad high note), but the judges did not do her any favors tonight.

Lakisha - I think this may not be a popular opinion, but is anyone else getting bored with Lakisha? I mean she sings great, but if I am to compare her to Melinda, Lakisha's performances just don't excite me as much as hers. Just fine for me.

Well, I'm sure you all have something to say, so don't be shy this week.

Little Tony


  1. Ciao Bradley Benedetto,

    I agree with you: Lakisha is a bore. I think she is in real danger of going home tonight. How can anyone, who might be inclined to vote for her, do so over Dolittle?

    I also agree with you that Blake wasn’t true to form last night. He should have stolen the hat off Chris’s head before his performance; it would have given him the right look, and perhaps the confidence to sing the song with the requisite swagger.

    As for Sanjaya, referring to him as a papaya was distasteful. He may well be a fruit—“not that there is anything wrong with that”—but to out him on national television is just wrong.

    Phil, you look like a deer caught in the headlights.

    Melinda…Yo yo yo, we got a hot one tonight…that was off the hook. Despit Melinda’s spot on performances thus far; last night was the first time this season she picked a really good song.

    Overall, I thought last nights show was very entertaining. After all, who doesn’t love the standards?

    Well folks, you will need all the luck you can muster to select the correct idol to be sent home this week. Not one stood out last night as a clear loser, and we very well might have our first big surprise of the season.


  2. I think Gollum might be going home tonight without the ring.

    I agree, Blake seemed to hold back a little.

    Melinda just rules.

    Chris R. was pretty cute, again.

    Jordin - Tony sure said nice things about her. My daughter said about her as I was fast-forwarding through, "I saw a mommy penguin."

    Gina Glockenspeil - good, except I kept focusing on her tongue piercing. Might add to her appeal for some.

    Sanjaya - ??? He actually looked, gulp, nice.

    Haley - pretty dress. My daughter likes her voice. But, also, "I only like the girl voices."

    Lakisha, love her, but agree with you, Brad. Melinda has more versatility. But, she better, as a trained professional singer.


  3. What is all this pro-Gina talk? I find her so absolutely boring. I'm tempted to ff her performace every week b/c I'm so totally uninterested.

    I'm clearly not cleaning up in this game (yet) but I really am pretty bored with the entire season. Chris R and Blake keep me interested because they are gorgie and have beautiful voices. These are the only two I would vote for if I were a voting viewer.

    Lakisha has an awesome voice and will find huge success in theater but the reason she has a soft spot in my heart is b/c of the sweet interaction with her baby girl when she got her "Hollywood Pass". Makes me teary!

    And I know I'll get some hate mail on this but Sweet Melinda is wearing on me at this stage. She extremely talented and if Diana DeGarmo can score Hairspray on Broadway then Melinda is a sure thing for a Broadway success. But an American Idol? If it happens I feel like this would be another unexciting win just like TayTay Hicks. Ugh.

    My two-cents: it's time for a POP ARTIST to get a win!!!! Go Blake! Go Chris!

  4. BTW - Sanjaya the Papaya looked like a freaking dork. I actually became embarrassed when I saw him! Maybe I'm just getting old.

    Did you hear him say, "Welcome to the Sanjaya Revolution" or something rediculous like that? Gag me with a disco suit!

    Manderson - you made me laugh out loud with the 'distasteful' remark. So funny!

  5. oooooooooo, Michael Anderson, Game on!

  6. Blake Lewis is up first with Mack the Knife. Tony wants him to slow down the tempo and give each lime more impact. I doubt Blake was listening.
    Nos-Phil-Atu Stacy decides to sing Night and Day, because vampires can only go out at night… not during the day. Tony Bennett calls Phil one of the best singers he’s heard in a long time. It’s official, folks, Tony Bennett is going deaf.
    Melinda Doolittle wants to break out into I’ve Got No Neck… I mean Rhythm. Tony Bennett calls her the best singer all day and Melinda pulls the “OH MY GOD, I’VE NEVER HEARD A COMPLIMENT IN MY LIFE” wide eyed stare bullshit again. Her singing this week is good, as always, and it’s actually semi-interesting compared to her normal borefests. Simon thinks he’ll never be able to criticize Melinda for anything, ever. Here, Simon, I’ll help. Melinda, you have a terrible sense of fashion, you have no neck, when you act like you’ve never heard a compliment before I want to strangle you, and you sort of resemble Shrek. See, that wasn’t that hard. Melinda may be a great singer, but you can definitely insult her if you try!
    hris “Timberfake” Richardson decides to sing Don’t Get Around Much Anymore. Tony Bennett is scared that Chris will forget the lyrics. Probably because Chris looks like he’s slightly inbred. Though he did look kind of good in that cowboy get-up last week. This week, he’s back to looking like a mouse, and he gets some different lighting to signal that this will be a pimped performance.
    ordin Sparks wants to show us what it’s like On a Clear Day. Tony Bennett loves Jordin and says “she sang very much in tune, which is rare these days.”
    Gina Glocksen sings Smile, and Tony Bennett says it reminds him of 9/11, Iraq, and the soldiers who he wants to come home. That’s actually really sweet.
    Stacey… I mean Haley Scarnato wants us to know she Ain’t Misbehavin’. Tony Bennett tells her she’s missing the point of the song, because she’s singing it to multiple people but it should be sung to one. I actually think that this is one of Haley’s better performances. Usually she’s forgettable (I even forgot about her until they showed her this week), but she had fun with it and actually showed some personality. That’s not to say she was very good, but it was much better than she normally is. Simon sarcastically tells her she has great legs to avoid having to comment on the song, but then calls it pageanty. Yeah, it is. But she’s the only piece of female eye candy, so she’ll probably be ok this week anyway.
    LaKisha Jones is cookin’ up some Stormy Weather. Tony wants her to sing the song the way it was written. Actually, LaKisha is pretty good for once. She’s been veering off the path into mediocre/boring territory recently, and I think she brought it back with this one. It was a good choice for her.
    Sanjaya “VFTW” Malakar wants to dance with us, Cheek to Cheek. Sanjaya wants to prove that he actually can sing this week. No, Sanjaya, that’s the wrong way to go. Just act crazy, the idiots who hate you are never going to like you anyway. Tony likes that Sanjaya dares to be different. This performance is very reminiscent of early Sanjaya, slightly boring and out of tune. I wish he’d tried to really nail a fun song this week, this isn’t working so well. But the slicked back hair and the John Travolta 70’s suit are definitely working, VFTW style. Love it! Randy and Paula compliment him, because I paid them to. Simon looks incredibly frustrated and says he’s going to try a new tactic. He calls Sanjaya, “incredible.” Finally, Simon speaks the truth! Of course, he was being sarcastic, but Simon has no idea how to have fun anyway. Sanjaya screams out, “Welcome to the Universe of Sanjaya!” Ooh, I like that! He also screams out, “lucky number 7” and “lucky letters V-F-T-W.” OK, not the last part. But he should.

  7. OK, I love the play by play recap, but PLEASE identify yourself. I love to know who is talking. Take some credit for your words!

    Also, what is "VFTW"?


  8. VFTW - Vote for the worst.
    Come on, Brad, get with the P-r-o-g-r-a-m.

    Said with love, of course.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Okay, Anonymous. That was a hilarious post, and I totally enjoyed reading it, now that I took the time. Soooo good. But, I can see the desire to be anon, because it was so funny, some people might think mean in parts. But, it's okay!!!!! We all know that when you are on national T.V., you are asking for it, right?
    I'd love to know who you are, because I love your sense of humor.
