Friday, June 29, 2007

Another week of upsets - when will it end and when will Cedric go home?

Let me start off by saying that last week’s elimination show was a complete shock. Should Jimmy have been sent home? I would have to say no. I’m all about giving uniqueness a chance but how far will Cedric really go on this show. Jimmy is more versatile and can grow in the other areas of dance. Cedric is not this year’s Ivan and he’s not Dominic. What do you all think?

Now on to this week. We’ve had another week of fantastic dancing, brilliant choreography, surprises and upsets.

Let’s recap the Wednesday’s performance show.

The top 16 performed. I would have to say no.

What do you all think of Cat Deeley? My twelve year old son has a real problem with her. I need to find out why. He is really bothered with her.

Joining Mary Murphy and Nigel Lythgoe this wee was Debbie Allen. One of the things that Debbie Allen said about the contestants was that “Their dance vocabulary is expanding.” That is so true and the essence of this show. Mary Murphy stayed with this theme highlighting Dominic and how he hasn’t disappointed the judges at all. She went on to say that he is a very hard working young man that is going to make a difference in the dance world. Nigel is also pleased with the contestants and acknowledged the fantastic choreography.

The show starts off with Sarah and Jesus. I love love love them. Sarah has been such a surprise for me and Jesus is a little cutie pie. They had to perform a Krump routine choreographed by Lil’C (one of the founders). This style of dance is not easy and can be very “rough” and “gansta”. You have to let your body move and feel it. Did they pull it off? They rocked it. They are such a great partner pair. They have so much personality and energy when they work together. It was a lot of fun and I thought they would be safe. Obviously I was wrong!!

Next up was Shauna and Cedric. Well, let me first say that Shauna sure did dance for her life last week. I thought she was going home (as did everyone else apparently based on the picks from last week), but she showed how important those last 30 seconds are. She’s not one of my favorites and I don’t know how long she will last. We’ll see. Shauna and Cedric had to dance a Mia Michael’s contemporary routine. Oh boy. Hopefully Mia can help them out. Sauna’s dancing was beautiful. She gave it her all during this performance. Cedric looked too stiff for me and for a while there he really wasn’t doing anything. So there wasn’t a lot off dancing from him to judge. If they are safe, Shauna saved him. (Which is exactly what I think happened – yes, the speech at the end helped, but let’s focus on the dancing for now.) What did the judges think? Debbie loved them both. Mary didn’t think it was good enough. They felt Mia was brilliant in the choreography by limiting the amount of dance the Cedric had. If he gets voted off, he is still a winner by getting to study under one of the greatest dancers/choreographers, Debbie Allen. I like how Nigel got him a scholarship.

Next up was Lacey and Kameron. They performed the quick step choreographed by Tony Meredtih. They looked great together. They have a lot of chemistry. Kameron sealed the dance with a kiss. (Another Benji spotting – he’s gone blond). They both did great for this not being their style. They are another couple to beat and should be safe for this week.

Next we have Anya and Danny doing Hip Hop. I don’t know if any of you have seen Berry Gordy’s “The Last Dragon” fans (movie from the 80s – one of the characters is Bruce Leroy). Well Danny looks just like the main character of that movie. Anyway, they picked hip hop for this week’s style and had to work with Dan Karaty. They were both nervous. I was worried about Anya with this style. She looked like she wasn’t getting it in their practice session. Well, they turned it into a little sexy hip hop routine. They pulled it off to me and I thought that their chemistry and performances in the other weeks would make them safe. At times they reverted back to their own styles and didn’t hit the moves as succinct as they could. They got through this together and their charisma should save them this week. If they were to make it in the bottom three, they will easily save themselves. I guess I had a little premonition for what was to come!

Next up was Sabra and Dominic. They are the underdogs. Sabra has been brilliant and Dominic has been a huge surprise. This week they had to dance the Rumba choreographed by Jean-Marc Genereux. The Rumba is a passionate style of dance and this was the first time it had been performed on the show. Neither one had ever done this style. Sabra looked absolutely beautiful during their performance. Dominic did so well. I would have never guessed that this wasn’t his style or that he was a B-Boy. Now I can’t judge if the technique was on, but it looked great and was a HOT routine. Mary Murphy sealed the deal making them the only couple that got a Mary Murphy screen.

Three more couples to go.

Lauren and Neil are up next. They have the tango choreopraphed by Jean-Marc Genereux. This style is like a cat/mouse chase. There was something about their performance that I didn’t like as much. I think it may have been Lauren. I needed her to engage more than she was. Neil was great and I found myself drawn to him much more than Lauren. I guess according to Mary it had some technical issues. They could find themselves in the bottom three. We’ll see. I will say that the hairstylist liked the curls on the side of the face this week. First it was Lacey and then Lauren (and they both had the red hot dresses on.)

Now to the performance of the night. Hok and Jaimie had to perform a jazz routine choreographed by Wade Robson. I would love to work with Wade. His pieces are brilliant and engaging in their story. Hopefully Hok will be a little more comfortable with this style. Jaimie was to portray a flower and Hok a hummingbird bird. Wade did it again. This was the best routine tonight and one that will be remembered. They both were in character the entire piece. Hok’s movements were right on and he fluttered just like a humming bird. Jaimie was a blooming flower and here technique was amazing. They stepped it up big time from last week’s performance.

Last up was supposed to be Pasha and Jessie dancing a Cha Cha routine choreographed by Tony Meredith. We found out after their practice clips that Jessie had to be rushed to the hospital and wasn’t cleared for the show. So instead Pasha had to dance with Bette Midler. This was great for the ladies because we got to focus on Pasha. Jessie will have to dance for her life and it may be her time. She was in the bottom three last week and the judges said that she was weak when dancing for her life.

Last night’s elimination show was another shocker and upset. The first couple to make it to the bottom three was Neil and Lauren. I wasn’t that surprised because at this point we will start to see the good couples in the bottom. The next two couples to come to the stage to find their fate was Jesus and Sarah and Sabra and Dominic. Now I love these two couples, so it was hard to see that one of them would have to be in the bottom. Between the two, I would rather see Jesus and Sarah and that is what happened. Last up was the choice between Danny and Anya and Cedric and Shauna. Well I (like everyone) else thought this was a no brainer. I actually fast forwarded my dvr to watch them dance for their lives. But when I stopped the tape and heard that Cedric and Shauna were safe I was baffled. Danny and Anya looked so surprised and probably pissed off. All that Danny could do was laugh. And Jessie had to dance for her life. And who got voted off: Jessie and Jesus. I’m not surprised by Jessie going home but the way they announced it was unfair to her (and us). No explanation just “Jessie you will be leaving us tonight.” And Jesus going home. I am just sick about this because it should have been CEDRIC!!!!!!! He has got to go home. We can’t have another Sanjaya episode with this show. I would have never thought it with SYTYCD. America get it right!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Okay, I noticed the look on Danny's face and it wasn't good so, I wonder how Cedric is holding up personally, that is a lot of pressure. Because of how amazing Danny and Neil dance, I felt that I was ROBBED by Cedric once again and lost out on getting to see Jesus move on, I really thought a lot of him. I hope he has an amazing career. Jessie and Pasha Danced great together but she was up against some resourceful dancers and it sounded like there was an issue between the 3 judges, love to know who the third judge that disagreed was... Jessie looked kind of shocked that she was leaving. I think overall she dances beautifully with whatever they have given her but her own choreography is kind of the same. Wade Robson is doing something that just exceptionally clever, so talented. Hok and Jamie were just both equally impressive to watch, I thought. Cedric is getting way too much TV time and it's influencing too many viewers, and he has gained so much more than anyone else in this competition, a FREE scholarship is gold. I think America needs to stop feeling sorry for him, he is going to have a career in dance, regardless if he wins or not. Shauna looked great and held her own. If the dance for your life was what it should have been, Danny, Neil and CEDRIC. Cedric would be learning some new styles with Debbie Allen right now. America kept him in and the judges made the wrong decision last week!!!

  3. You are so right regarding Cedric. The fact that he will get a scholarship to work with Debbie Allen is gold. He's not going to win this competition so why not let him get voted off so that we can give the other guys a chance. I felt so badly for Jesus. I love him and he should not have gone home last night. Danny's face did say it all. There were no words and did you see him when Cedric came over to hug him. He wanted no part of it but tried to play it off by play fighting. Cedric needs to be out next week. I can't take much more of this. I'm scared of what other guy may HAVE TO get voted off before him.

  4. It's nights like last night that I get so annoyed with the frickin' voters and wish that the judges could override the publics poor choices. However, don't you think it is unfair that Cedric gets a scholarship but no one else on the show does! I used to feel sorry for him but now I'm just miffed. I also thought they were unusually cruel to Jessi... there was something else happening there.

  5. The way that Jessi got voted off left no room for her to know the areas she can work on or what the other girls need to do. It was harsh by all means. I wasn't surprised that she left, but the way it happened wasn't right.

    Yes, why should Cedric be the only one to get a scholarship. Nigel through that in. Debbie just said she wanted him to come to her academy. When they said it on Wednesday I think they really thought that he was going home. I'm sure nobody thought that he would be safe. They were voting for Shauna's performance and Mia brilliant choreography, but give me a break.

    I'm sure we'll have more drama next week.

  6. First of all, I had no idea you had a twelve-year-old son, Beth!

    What, he doesn't like Cat Deeley's black leather/pleather cave girl and cat woman dress? What about her St. Patrick's Day green raffia dress with a giant bow on the back that she wore on Thursday?

    Okay, it sort of was gross to me to see my hot Pasha dance with Bette Midler. I felt he had to do it, sort of like an inslaved servant has to dance for his mistriss. But, he pulled it off!

    So, when they brought Jessi out the next day to do the dance with Pasha, I thought that it might save her - she just looked so much better doing that dance than Bette. So....... it was so wierd to me that they let her go without explaning anything. No explanation. Totally lame. They certainly weren't pressed for time.
    But, they probably voted Jessi off because of her hideous outfit that she wore for her "dance for her life." What the heck was that? The judges should have said, we have decided to let you go because you decided to dress like a clown in clown pants and a clown shirt with clown-red lips. We just cannot allow this kind of mockery on the show. There are plenty of county fairs that could use a hip hop clown, so now off with you!

    And, he whose name shall remain unspoken, sat down for half the dance and didn't even dance. They should have said, here's your ticket home, do not pass go, do not get any scholarships, g'bye!
    Come on, America.

  7. I'm loving all the dialog up on the blog site. You guys are doing better than the Idol gang and there were 70 people in that one!

    Sorry it took so long to post the results. Funny how quickly one call fall from grace!

    Check out all you Cedric haters. He got his sympathy votes this week because he was pounded by the judges. I suspect that was just a bounce and that next week he could be doomed unless he is put in the spotlight again by the judges.

    Annie - you slay me. I love it - so fiesty. Meeeoooww!!! But Lauren stays - too cute. :)
