Thursday, July 12, 2007

Is this Cedric's week?

So, I won't take time to recap all of the performances - mostly because I don't know what the hell I'm talking about. As for Cedric, I thought he was the weakest guy last night and in my opinion, the judges were making nice with him given how badly they trashed him last week. I think it was over done and once again, their comments could have an unfair impact on the voting public. Last week, I think he and Shauna got so many sympathy votes that they were not even in the bottom three. This week, the comments were so positive that they could unfairly color the opinions of the viewers. At any rate, I'm putting him in the bottom three and out this week.

As for the girls, it's a much tougher call. I have a feeling about this being Anya's week to go. However, I do recall last week the judges absolutely panning Lauren as though they would have eliminated her, but was ultimately spared because of their obvious pre-disposition to dismiss Jessi. I think Nigel made it very clear last night that it didn't matter how well she would have danced in her "dance for your life" segment, that they were not going to condone the idea that one could fain illness and somehow escape elimination through. You could tell by the resolution and lack of explanation that in their view, it had to be done. As for Shauna, I could also pick her to go, but I think she somehow saves her own life well when put in that position. Sabra, same thing.

What are your thoughts?



  1. Thanks Brad!
    Yes, I think that Shauna and Sabra could save themselves. I also think the judges really like Sabra. And, I think they are liking Sabra more.

    The boys, it could be Cedric or Hok, but I think everyone loves Hok so much, I'd be surprised to see him go. But, he is the 2nd weakest, I think, given how much praise Dominic has been getting.

    I'm totally worried that Lacey is going to be the overall winner, as she is my #2 person, not #1. She has been great at everything. And, her outfit was pretty smokin', I thought. But, I think now I want her to win, so it could brother-sister winners back-to-back. Maybe brother-brother runners-up, too, with Danny and last year's Travis (love him!)

    Okay...... I loved the guest judge, Adam. How fun is he? I want to be his friend, because I'm sure he is fun to work with, has great parties, the whole bit.

    ...... and I did love Shane's piece with Sabra and Dominic. Pretty nice.
    ....Loved Benji's piece w/Pasha and Sara, but I love Pasha usually no matter what.

    .... And, Wade's piece, with Neil and Lauren was so fun.

    Hmmmm...... the bottom three girls are going to be hard to pick!!!!!

    Bottom three boys: Cedric, Hok, and ?????

  2. I meant, starting to like Shauna more. = )

  3. What Annie said about Hok and Cedric is sooo right on. I thought Hok should have been in the bottom 3 a few other times but america loves him. Must be that french ....uh..... I mean english accent.

    Okay, but Lauren was kinda strange with the whole asian thing,...... huh? I know a few people annoyed by those comments.

    I like Lacey and her hair but I want to see Kameron do something besides be there for her, I started out watching Kameron last night, and thinking he looked good, but then it became "The Lacey Show" She is working it, and she is the WAY more dominant personality of the two. I'd like to see Lacey and Danny dance together, those two egos, I mean people could be interesting.

    Neil was hot & Cedric looked so much better but maybe he's just happy about his scholarship.

  4. OK, this show is starting to annoy me. :)

    I can say that outloud, because I am last in the pool. By a lot.

    So why not blame the show, right?? :)

    That said, I am tempte to vote for Cedric out of principle EVERY SINGLE WEEK till my man gets the long overdue boot. The boy can dance, but he is there on false premises, after having been the reason far superior dancers (hello - Jesus, anyone?) were cut. He is on borrowed time and, though he is LEARNING, this show is not about nursing mediocre dancers into something better, but letting dancers who have already honed their skills and worked their tushies off, show their stuff and become even finer instruments.

    I *DO* really respect his attitude, though. Cedric has handled himself very well, considering the unintended controversy and conflict the show has meant for him so far.

    But I still want him gone, already.

    As for the other guys, I think Kameron did not do as well as he should have (but probably because he was dancing with Lacey, who just eats up the stage with her talent). But, for me, Hok was clearly the weakest link of the show last night in his waltz. Maybe because he is particularly short and his partner is not, but he did not create the rises and falls that go with "waltz" for me. He wasn't BAD by any stretch of the imagination, but the vast majority of the other dances were so GOOD that he was left behind in their wake.

    Cedric (doggone it) really tried and wasn't terrible for the first time since the show began.

    I am trying not to be bitter.

    The girls - from my perspectice, there is NO ONE who deserves to be cut at this point. The competition hs gone from eliminating those who are weak dancers and those who are cast with unfortunate partners, dancing styles that they are unsuited for. In that line of thinking, my thoughts go to Lauren. Though her dancing was passable, she didn't have the panache that a lot of the other female dancers have AND her comments about the Asian-faking thing really got to me. Way to make friends with your audience, darling. :) BUT - for her to even be considered on the chopping block, it would mean that the voters would have to vote her WADE ROBSON piece with Neil as one of the bottom 3 and I don't see that happening.

    Too bad, because I have watched Shauna "dance for her life" and she KICKS BUTT. So if it came to a choice between to two of them, I think Lauren would get voted off the island.

    Bottom 3 this week - my choices:


    And from those, I am predicting (maybe HOPING) that Cedric is finally getting his walking papers, and I am tossed between Shauna and Jaime as to who is headed home. Neither seems fair to me, though - I truly do see this as an elimination of really high caliber dancers.

    Oh, and Dina, you and I agree on most things about this competition, but TOTALLY disagree about Miss Lacey's HAIR. Seriously, that style makes her look like a muppet on speed. That amne needs to be tamed ASAP. Maybe we could combine this show with "Shear Genuis" and kill two birds with one stone. :)

  5. Candice ---- her hair was her intro last night, she was a hair model after all, I had to mention it.

    ...but noted. :-)


  6. Let it be known that Dina's hair is beautiful. No Muppet Fraggle Rock envy there AT ALL. Love ya girl...

    T-minus 1 minute till the show starts. I have issues. :)

  7. Oh my gosh, I love it Dina and Candice!

    I agree that the Asian thing with Lauren was a little bizarre, and not really funny. Kinda strange. But, ...... I would have been really shocked if she "used to be a man," or something like that. Just saying, it could be wierder, surprisingly enough.

    Dina, I'd love to see Danny and Lacey dance together. Hopefully that will happen!

    Okay, Candice, I loooooved your comment re: "sheer genius" and Dina, loved your Cedric "scholarship" comment!
