Thursday, July 12, 2007

Top 14 Results Show

I can't believe it! Sanjaya is finally off the show!!!

Oh, I mean Cedric. The nice part of tonight with the guys, is that I didn't have to feel bad about someone leaving. Cedric probably knew it, too.

But, it's a different story with the girls! Shauna could really dance. So could Cedric in HIS style. But, Shauna has years and years of training, and could do many styles. So, it's hard to see her go. But, that's how it's going to be now. They all have to go bye-bye eventually, until the top two! I think if Anya ends up in the bottom three again, the judges might not keep her around much longer because of her solos.

I act as if I actually watched it. My DH (Darling Husband) accidently stopped it from being recorded because he was watching part of The Devil Wears Prada. What???? So, if you actually got to watch the whole show, and not just the last 10 minutes of it (like me,) please post your comments!

I loved the comments from today, so keep up the posts. I love it!


  1. OK, Annie - in your man's defense, the Devil Wears Prada is a GREAT flick. I have it here if you want to borrow it. Or, I'm sorry, if DH wants to borrow it.


    ...that's all...


  2. That was a tough one, I thought Anya was going. Cedric is really gone! Now that I see Hok can be put in the bottom three afterall, It looks like he's next...unless he gets another Wade Robson choreography. Annie I have last nights episode if you want to watch it but it sounds like you have it right. I hope you had a chance to watch Shauna dance, she left with style!

  3. One more thing, Just Wondering.......Who picks the costumes that the dancers wear, does anyone know? I keep thinking back to that upside down white snow cone dress that didn't flatter Shauna and Nigel mentioned it as well. It covered her up so much and she is so short ......

  4. OK, so now that the dust has settled from last nights' show...

    I will say that as I watched the Dances For Your Life portion, I was - as ever - impressed as HECK with Danny. The man can DANCE, and there is just no denying that. I was also impressed, though, with Hok, who broke away from his B-boy thing a bit in his dance and showed some extension, did turns, and actualy demonstrated that he CAN do more than break dance across the stage like Cedric has done every time he has been on life support on the show.

    Cedric, ah Cedric. May you take that scholarship and use it to make you a real dancer. :)

    As for the girls, I agree with Dina. As I watched them dance their solos, I was CONVINCED that Anya was leaving. Her solo was a lot of hip and feet movement, reminiscent of partnering work, but no leaps or turns or any kind of well-rounded demonstration than her skills. To be honest, though, her solo was beneath her skill set. She is a better dancer than that solo indicates. Whereas with Shauna, though she danced her heart out, you could see that she was totally tapped out in that dance = her solo gave her ALL and touched on every skill she had and it still wasn't as good as Jaime's, whose was EXCELLENT, smooth, extended, and graceful.

    Given that, I understand that judges' ruling: Shauna's solo was only slightly better than Anya's, and it represented all of her talent instead of the tip of the iceberg like Anya's did. I think the judges see this and wanted to keep the more talented dancer, even if it meant rewarding a substandard solo last night.

    Jaime was safe from the moment she began dancing. Please. She and Lacey are dancing under the same invincibility spell. :)

  5. I love Danny! He was very smart not to wear a shirt last night. I think it will win him some votes, since the judges seem to keep bringing up his arrogance or the audience not connecting to him... blah blah blah.

    I agree he might not have the most bubbly personality but man that boy can dance.

    He makes every move look effortless. He did some contortions with his shoulders and arms during his solo that were breathtaking. I'm going to start picking up the phone and calling to keep him in this contest. He should win this thing based on pure talent.

  6. Amen, Cat!
    That's why I picked Danny as my number 1. But, like Idol, it's not always talent that wins.

    No, I didn't get to see any of the solos, so thanks for the little blurbs in the comments.

    Yes, I guess I have to borrow your Devil wears Prada, Candice. The last 10 minutes of it looked good.

    It's a theme here. Thelast 10 minutes of shows.


  7. The thing with Danny's arrogance is a bit of barking madness, if you ask me. And you DID, didn't you? Annie did. I heard her.

    No, let's not go into the voices in my head just now.

    Moving on...

    Dan-the-Man is clearly aware that he is a talented dancer. That is not arrogance. That is an awareness of REALITY. The judges constant harping on it is simply their way of trying to distract us from the fact that he is mopping the floor of the stage with the rest of the male (and most of the female) competition.

    Condemning him for this is like being angry at a Clydesdale for not trying to be a Chiuahua.

    I vote for the judges to just gracefully move on to the business of judging talent - not attitude. And will someone please tell Nigel that "crap" IS still a curse word, even if you say it with an English accent? I'm just saying.
