Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Kristy Lee... all you need is love.

As a Beatles fan, I was stoked to see another week of great music, and one less week for the producer to choose something like country. Anyway, I guess they were getting greedy going for two weeks as everyone must have pulled out the only Beatles song they knew, save for David A. who was able to redeem himself after last week's choking. Was that Michael who thought Michelle was an English girl? Or how about Kristy Lee who doesn't know ANY Beatles songs. Really? No wonder. Good luck this week babe. All you can pray for is a little love to get a reprise.

Anyway, the motivation for this morning's post was not to blab on about the show, but to share some gems from my dear cousin Annie who has not been able to personally post blogs over the past couple of weeks, but promises to be back soon! Here is what she had to say this morning...

"I hope to start adding to the blog in the next few weeks. But, ......

Didn't Brooke White look like a puppet on a string dancing?
And, why is Ramiele allowed to dress herself? (why am I for that matter?)
And, who picked Carly's shirt? what was that?.....
and, does Kristy Lee really want to "blow Simon's socks off?"

..... Things to ponder........

get your pick in for this week.


1 comment:

  1. I could barely stomach the show last night. Between the mediocre to bad singing, the weird dancing (like ants in pants), the poor fashion choices, the defensive remarks to the criticism of the judges, and the frickin' harmonica, I almost turned it off.

    I bet the producers are wishing they chose a different theme after seeing the show last night.

    David A did redeem himself. But I was so disappointed by Michael Johns this week :-(
