Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Strangest Show So Far!

Simon called tonight's show "officially the strangest show we've ever done," and I might have to agree........ I'd say Simon was referring to that glorious moment when, halfway through the show, Paula Abdul critiqued both of Jason Castro's songs after he'd sung only one. Or, maybe when Paula called Syesha - Brooke..... ??? What is going on, Paula? ... Or, the other option: Paula HAD already seen both songs, and she was supposed to only comment on the first one. What do you guys think?
Or, there could be another conspiracy theory: either she took notes during rehearsal..... or, the producers GAVE her notes to read from. ????? Hmmmm........ and, she was caught off guard, she wasn't supposed to read all the notes, just the ones from the first song..... ??? What do you guys think?
The judges failed to call out David A. last week when he forgot the lyrics.... and the camera quickly went to a back/up high view so we couldn't really see that he forgot..... what's really going on here? Anyone?
Is it just Paula's cool-aide, or is it something else?
Anyway...... somehighlights:
Ryan's almost mohawk. Simon's shirt - dangerously low enough to show some chest hair. (Why does he do that?) Jason Castro - wearing the same shirt from two weeks ago... it worked then, why not again? Simon does it.
David Cook - his second song was actually quite good.... and Brooke's second song was good, too.
Jason and David A. - you guys are sounding the same to me every week. Syesha, I think you are doing a great job. But, It seems like the cue cards needed to be read to try to get you in the bottom again.
I'm sorry, I'm just distracted by Paula's strange comments.......
opinions, anyone?

1 comment:

  1. This weeks Roundup is live!

    Thanks for all your visits last week!
