Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Webber mixes it up

Leave it to Andrew Lloyd Webber to mix up the pot tonight on American Idol. Tonight's show just goes to show how a little legit music can bring out the talent and expose those who hide behind style. Jason, you've got something, but watch out - tonight could be your last.

Way for Syesha to come out with a band and show the others how to do it. I thought she finally had a chance to show what she can do, and look hot doing it. Where was she hiding all that (insert your preference of what she was hiding here) before?

Jason... watch out. The fact that you barely knew his music says a lot. I hope you enjoy the campfires, because that's were it's at for you. You are destined for the "Mellow show" on SNL with Jack Johnson and John Mayer.

Brooke, Brooke, Brooke. I actually have become quite fond of her in recent weeks and actually thought her performance, once she finally got it out, was far better than the judges gave her credit for. Her voice was not powerful and perfect, but it was real and gripping. I hope we see her again.

David Archuleta must have one of the greatest voices that AI has ever seen and once he exits puberty and has a few down and out days, he is destined to make some great music. I still think he could win this thing, but that says more about the AI voting audience than it does his talent. I think David has incredible focus in each performance about how to have great tone, great phrasing, and sing a great song, but I believe less and less that there is more there than just great technical execution of an inspirational tune. There may be a great career ahead for him on the 'Up With People' tour (does that date me)?

Carly has been riding the wave of near extinction, but pulled a nice one out tonight and probably has spared her execution for another week. It was a great song choice for her.

I thought this might be a tougher week for David because he didn't have or didn't take the opportunity to do an alternative version for which he has become so heralded for each week. However, I was actually very pleasantly surprised by his stage voice and presence. I actually think that Simon was harder on him that was warranted and that it was an impressive vocal performance. He rides the edge of being a little bit of a poser. I also would not have gone for that 5th on the last note as I think sustaining that 3rd for the duration would have had much more impact.

What say you?

P.S. Heidi K, I expect to see a comment posted up here from you with your run down this week!


  1. Okay, now that I've spent WAY too much time on Youtube watching clips of Micheal Crawford singing "Music of the Night," and the old cat singing "Memory," .... I have to say that the night could have been WAY better!

    Syesha, however, was excellent! Syesha, Carly, and David Cook were all really good.

    Syesha looked AMAZING. How cute is she? And,..... like Simon said, we saw some personality. She was really fun to watch.

    What's up with Ricky Minor dancing all night? I think he was so excited to be on the main stage!

    Okay, Jason, I lost a little love for you tonight. You don't know the song, "Memory," and where it is from? Ouch. And, your comments: "Uuuuuuh," and "I was like Uuuuuuhhhhh." Okay... you can do better. Research your song before you meet with the guy who wrote it!!!!
    I still like your voice, though.

    Brooke.... WTF? I couldn't even believe you started over. ....

    Little David... I think you forgot your lyrics 3 times.... WTF again?
    ... and, I wish you would have sang "Love changes everything," from Phantom. But, not too bad. Kind of the same. I know you were trying to keep your eyes open, but half-mast eyes are kinda like closing them.

    Carly, you rocked the house tonight. Good job.

    David Cook..... good. This really showed that you have an amazing VOICE! Your voice is so nice. I'm a fan! And, you are looking pretty cute, too, with that huge noggin of yours.

    I predict Jason, Brooke, and Carly in the bottom three. ....But, hope that Carly stays in. Jason and Brooke, I think it will be one of you.

    I really wish someone had sung, "I don't know how to love him," and also wanted to hear, "All I ask of you," but I think it WAS the right choice for Carly not to sing it.

    ..... And, speaking of musicals, check out this group that creates impromtu anywhere.... this is in an LA mall.... and none of the people know what is going on!!!!!


    Alright, have a great day everyone!

  2. I think David A is a great singer, but I'm always a little bored watching him. He doesn't entertain me at all. I don't know that he has a pop career ahead of him. Maybe he just needs to get some action, have a couple of really rock star nights out on the town, and then he'd be more interesting.

    Brooke and Jason are deffo in danger tonight.

    Carly and Syesha were both really good, and performed the crap out of their songs. Loved em.

    David C. can be a little smug, but I was really impressed with his vocal range and I can totally see him being a music theatre nerd in H.S. (like some other people we all know and love). I think if he continues to shine, he might outshine little David A.

  3. I am a virgin blogger... so bare with me!
    I had to add that I too agree with Annie that David A. forgot words here and there and I was upset the judges didn't catch it... but maybe after everyone heard about how his dad went off on him, they opted out on that- ouch! I'm not such a fan of him; he needs more time to mature for me!

  4. Hello!
    Some of you have been asking about my weekly Idol roundups. So I am happy to say that I have put them all in a new blog (they are too long to post in comments), and you can find them here http://blogwhatblog.wordpress.com/. I have also posted the old recaps so you can go back and see just how wrong i've been!
