Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Top 7 perform

What did you guys think of Mariah Carey night? It was actually better than I expected! It's lonely out here in the poppool blogland. Beth? Brad? Cat? And all you lurkers out there...... let's hear from you!

Randy was in another bowling shirt, Paula was wearing her own hair and a plum dress, looking nice, and Simon was wearing, you guessed it, black.... but with white flakes. And, I doubt he has ever had drandruff in his life.

Little David opened the show. He was great. But, a little the same as always. Not surprising, but very good.
Carly sang next, and it was pretty good. She is really a great singer..... but I keep waiting for her to blow me away... and it doesn't quite happen. She was good, though!!!
Syesha sang third, and she looked absolutely beautiful. I loved the glittery hair. She did a great job, and HAD to sing a Mariah song, so the judges couldn't fault her for that.
Brooke was next, at the piano, with one shoe off. She was good.

See, this is difficult, because everyone is good at this point. And, we need to be thankful that there is no mohawked Sanjaya, or headbanded Sanjaya this year.

Then Kristy Lee Cook was up. She also looked great, didn't look like she just got off a horse, and sang well.
David Cook was then up. He started slow and dark, then really came through with his big voice. It was really, really good. The judges liked it, and so did I. And, the tears..... so sweet. I found out later that his brother with brain cancer was there in the audience. People raised money to fly him there... along with a chartered plane, medical support, etc. ..... Wow!
Last was Jason Castro. I agree with Paula....I would like to be at that luau listening to Jason.....

So, what do you think? I predict another all-girl bottom three, as I did last week. I was totally wrong last week, and very surprised. How about you?
What are you guys thinking for this week?


  1. I was horrified when I heard it was Mariah Carey week, and my fears were realized. I was not impressed with any of the girls last night. I feel pretty confident it will be a girl going home tonight.

    David A. sounded great as usual. But, why does he only choose cheesy inspirational songs? Miracle? Come on... do something different!

    Carly, Carly, Carly... at times her voice is spectacular but she is so inconsistent and her fashion choices - aaahhhh. The dress was great, but black tights? Is she headed home?

    Brooke - so over her!

    Syesha - the girl has got pipes, but America hasn't shown her much love. She might be done tonight.

    Kristy Lee - I can't stand watching her mouth when she sings, she does this weird snarl thing. It makes her look like the horse she sold to buy her trip to the auditions. Not impressed last night.

    Jason Castro - sigh - he's just so cute.

    David C. was in da house last night! His arrangement of that song was tight. Love him. But, can he get more votes than Archuleta. Only if all the tween girls of America get grounded from their cell phones the week of the finals.

    The talent is pretty good right now, but all the girls could be up for elimination tonight. Sorry ladies, you just didn't measure up.

  2. I had to rush through the show this morning, but I agree that it is going to be a tough night for the girls.

    David Cook redeemed himself again last night and I was worried after that poser performance last week. He just brought it back to the song and left out the silly gimmicky looks and Bono moves.

    My rundown from what I recall at fast forward speed.

    David A. A-
    Carly C
    Brooke B
    Syesha B-
    Kristy Lee B-
    Jason B+
    David C A

    It will be between Carly and Syesha tonight for real. Although if last week is any judge it will probably be Jason going out! I've made my choice.
