Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Final Three Perform

The final three contestants performed. David Cook rocked the house, Syesha sang a mediocre song about penguins, and David A. was good, predictable, and had to work on his songs this week without his dad helping backstage.

Syesha had another sequin and leg show, and got the sexy award. Seriously, I wonder how many of the girls in the audience in front of the stage saw her underwear.

Okay.... I guess I'm so out of it, because I have no idea what "my boo," means in David A.'s song. Anyone?

And..... why did the producers give David Cook the best song... and the best placement (singing last?) I think maybe they know David A. will be in the finals, and wanted to make sure that David Cook would be too, in order for people to watch the finale.

Alright..... let's hear your comments.


  1. A bit late this week, but just as entertaining!


  2. Nice posts Annie and Heidi. Heidi, I'm amazed you were able to come up with so much to say about 3 contestants - and it was some funny smack! Nice work.

    Interesting note about David Cook getting the pole position last night. Makes you wonder how intentional it was.
