Thursday, June 19, 2008

So You Think You Can Buck? or Banoodles?

Was last night buck, as Lil' C would say, or banoodles, as Mia Michaels put it?

What do you think?

Okay.... how good were Katee and Joshua? Their Broadway routine was fast, fun and fabulous, and as Nigel Lythgoe remarked, "that's what I've been waiting for all night." That was really fun to watch.

The judges seem to be in bed with the choreographers a little too much..... "I love (fill in the blank's) choreography" was uttered repeatedly last night and it was pretty good, but really, that good?

I also liked Mark and Chelsie's tango -- that was fun. Mark is great - love him!!!! And Chelsie is too cute for words.

Okay... and what about the "salsa" routine? Susie and Marquis are doing nothing for me. I couldn't put my finger on exactly what was so wrong with their performance last night, but thankfully we have the judges: All three described their salsa as "labored," which is exactly the word I was searching for. They made it look so difficult. (It WOULD be labored for me, for the record.)

I also really disliked Comfort and Chris' krump routine. Both were soft and sloooooow. I understand that Chris was out of his comfort-zone, but Comfort wasn't -- this is her niche! -- and even she was W-E-A-K. And, what's up with Nigel saying his granny was more gangster than Chris? ...........I totally thought Nigel was a complete FREAK last night on many occasions........ and I DON'T think Chris needed to grab his crotch to prove he was cool like Nigel insinuated. Go away Nigel. Everyone thinks you're a nerd anyways. Just pay for the show and get your millions of dollars. Do NOT speak.

Credit should also go to Courtney and Gev, who I thought were the most improved. I loved their routine. Loved it......

Okay.... how good is Will? He rocks. He is a beautiful dancer and deserves to win..... I wish I had picked him. Swoon......... Jessica, hang in there. Do it for art, and to be in the presence of Will!

And lastly, I am (sadly) keeping my fingers crossed for Chelsea and Thayne, who weren't terrible, but definitely weren't memorable. They also performed first, which is never a good combo. Their costumes completely sucked..... and it was the worst Shakespeare drama I have ever witnessed, although the dancing was okay. The costume person needs a spanking, and not that kind, you guys.

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