Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Davids perform!

The Powers that Control Idol, decided upon a "boxing match" theme for the two Davids. (Insert massive eye roll.)

Because, really, if it were a boxing match, David C. would just have to look at Baby David and it would be over. A knock-out. But, okay, I guess I'm along for the ride. I need my AI fix, no matter how much cheese they put on it.

David C opened with the song chosen for him by Clive, U2’s I Still Haven’t Found What I’m
Looking For. He sounded incredibly strong, had command of the audience from the beginning, and confidently strode out through the crowd to the stage behind the judges. This David sings from his soul, and has depth.

Randy decided that "I’m gonna call you DC. That was a great way to start off this duel of 2007."
LOVED the look on David’s face: Um, Randy, DUUUUUUHHHHH, it’s 2008.

Little David was up next to sing Clive’s choice of Don’t Let The Sun Go Down On Me. This was actually one of his best performances. It was really, really good.

Ryan then explained that in Round 2, the boys were allowed to choose a song from the Top Ten favorite entries in the song writing competition.

David C decided on Dream Big by Emily Shackleton. I'm sorry, but I thought this song kind of sucked. I don't think it was David Cook's fault.

Little David was then back to sing his choice of Ryan Gilmore’s In This Moment.
This song was so much better than the song that David C. "chose." He did a great job with it.

Then, Randy said he, "Wasn’t crazy about the song, but here’s the deal, man – right now, you are so in the zone, dawg, you could sing the phone book."
Now, I really wanted to just tell Randy to shut up. How many times have they said that on this show? Someone just needs to sing the phone book and get it over with.

Another break and we returned to Round Three, the contestants’ choices, with David C stating in the video that he had chosen The World I Know by Collective Soul. Puppy decided to reprise Imagine from Beatles Week One.

David Cook sang the words with emotion, and I have never heard the song, so I kept waiting for some big rip-it-wide-open-lights-pulsing-drums-beating-crowd-frenzy moment.
It never came. It was nice, ..... but no big moment!
But, it was okay.... he stayed true to who he is.... genuine. I kind of liked it.

Then, Little David came up to resing Imagine. Okay, so who doesn't know this song? This is the perfect song to sing...... and he's already done it once. But, the danger here is that he's already had a big moment with it. Can he use it again with the same effect? I don't know.

OK, he did do a nice job. It was really, really good. He has a beautiful voice.

Simon said that the night was a knock-out and the night's winner was David A. Do you agree? Were the judges just pimping the little guy?

So that’s it, kids. One more night and we will crown a new Idol.
Get your votes in. Let's hear your opinions.


  1. Hello Idol Fans. My last post of the season is up over at

    Cheers! ~heidi

  2. You all are too hilarious. I love the run downs from both Annie and Heidi. I particularly love that you both made charge for David A to actually sing the phone book so that everyone could see how lame it would actually be.

    I agree that the judges seemed to be making this the David A. show last night to give him a fighting chance and so it won't look like they threw the vote if they just praised David Cook up and down. David Cook probably went home last night saying "oh well, at least I gave it my best". I'm sure he'll have a big ol look of surprise on his face when they announce his name tonight.

    I have to make just one comment on the songwriting competition songs. What the f...? Why do they still insist on keeping this part of the show as the songs usually suck, but last night was the suckiest? I think that whichever David loses can use the fact that they had to sing a crap song as an excuse for losing the competition. Well, at least the crap was spread fairly evenly between them. I can just see them flipping through all the songs to choose from... "hmm, well this is crappy, but so is this one. Well, this one is less crappy than the first one, but more crappy than the second one. What kind of crap do you have over there?". Oh, I'm sorry I kind of got lost there for a minute.

    What I think it hilarious is that the judges for the most started their comments with "I didn't like the song, but you did ok with it". Well, if the songs suck, then STOP HAVING THE SONGWRITING COMPETITION ALREADY!!!

    Ok, I'm over it.

    So, thank you all for playing and participating in our trial run of the new website for your entries. Be sure to sign up for "So you think you can dance". The talent is actually really good and I'm not even really that into dance. It's arguably better than Idol. Regardless, be sure to hang with us next for Idol on PopPool.

    Until next year.


  3. Brad, you are too funny. And, yes.... I totally agree about the song-writing contest. The sad part is that our own Heidi Jacobs submitted a song last year, and it was actually GOOD, but never saw the light of the top 10. You must have to know someone.......
