Friday, February 27, 2009

Results, week 2 top 36

I'm just going to post a few highlights from last night's results show:

Jeanine Vailes' plaid shirt and SUSPENDERS with her shorts.

Kai Kalama's t-shirt with a crooked skinny tie printed on it. (What WAS that?)

Matt Breitzke's lack of dancing during the group song. He really looked uncomfortable.

Matt Giraud's constant hip movement during the song.

Allison's red shoes.

This leads me to the question: Are they at the point yet where they get personal stylists?

Adam and Allison are in the top twelve, which is no big surprise, but the surprise of the night was that Kris Allen made it in! He amazingly overcame NO ONE EVER SEEING HIM BEFORE, and got a spot in the top 12. Incredible!

So, do you think anyone from this group will get a wild card spot? Megan? Jesse? Let's hear your thoughts!

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