Thursday, February 26, 2009

Top 36, round 2!

Last night we got to see the next 12 contestants in the top 36. After warnings of "no second chances," by Kara, "they better bring it," by Randy, "I hope they pick the right song," by Paula, and "it's too late for advice," from Simon, we jump right in. Bring the lamb(ert)s to the slaughter!

First was Jasmine Murray. She was blah to me. What a bummer! She started weak, stayed basically weak, was a little off-key, and did nothing for me. The judges were disappointed, and in Simon's words, Jasmine might be "a couple years too early" for the competition. The judges saw their golden dollar signs, Ja$mine Murray, falling to the wayside. She looked great, and maybe we'll see her in the future!

Next was Matt Giraud. He has such a great voice, but the song he sang showed no range. Another bummer! The judges felt he lost the "bluesy soulfulness" from before and they weren't blown away. This is sad, because he can do so much better. I doubt we will see him in the top 12, which stinks because how many other dualing piano players will we ever see?

The next victim was Jeanine Vailes. (Who?) I don't think I've ever seen her before, and I actually watched ALL the previous shows. First of all, she has the best legs in all the competition, and the judges all thought so too. At least she got that award, because everything else was wrong about her song. Pitchy, painful, overdone. Sorry, and goodbye.

Next up was Nick Mitchell, appearing as Norman Gentle. His dad looked disgusted at the very beginning of the song, but later seemed so proud. Can you imagine the emotions he's felt over the years as father to Norman Gentle? He was the most entertaining performer so far, and I wouldn't expect anything less. (But, this IS the third time he has sang that song.....should we say, one-trick pony?) So, if he goes through, it has to be because America wants some (of the same) comedy. His singing was not bad. Simon called it "atrocious," and "horrific comedy." I don't think he'll make it, but Paula seems confidAent that there are plenty of stages for him. Who knows what she's thinking.

Finally Allison Iraheta is up. Ryan asks her how school at American Idol is going, as she basically says nothing interesting AT ALL! Then, the girl gets up to sing "Alone," and the girl can SING! She was the best so far, by a long margin! She "blew it off the box." Thanks, Randy, for those eloquent words. She was amazing. She performed with confidence, and acted like she does it every week. The judges all thought she was great, and Simon said, "I am very impressed by you." I hope she makes the top 12.

Next is Kris Allen. (Who, again?) I don't think I've ever seen him. I thought he had a very nice voice, and seems like a nice guy. He was completely in tune, which is helpful in a singing competition. Kara thought it was the wrong choice, but all the other judges disagreed, and thought he did really well. If he does make it, I think it will be a miracle, because he might suffer from WE HAVE NEVER SEEN HIM BEFORE, so who is his fan base?

Next is Miss Gorgeous Tatoo Sleeve Single Mom Megan Joy Corkery. This girl is so incredibly pretty, it's almost unbelievable. She has a nice unique voice. She showed some wierd dancing - kind of quirky - but it doesn't matter because she's much too pretty to make anything look bad, even her whole entire tatooed arm. Randy said he loves "the smokey jazz thing." Kara says she's a "package artist," and with the right song, she could make it big right now. She might make it through.

Next is welder Matt Breitzke. He has such a nice voice, and when I closed my eyes I REALLY liked his voice. It's just the boring performance and feet glued to the stage that are going to be the end of him.

Jesse Langseth was next. Another single "mo-ther." I like this girl. Spunky, red hair, different. I was hoping her performance would be better, but, as Randy said, "it didn't blow us out the box." What? Randy? Nothing like picking one phrase and sticking with it all night. The song DID have about a 5-note range, and as Simon said, I think she's a little forgettable. I don't think she'll make it through.

Next was Kai Kalama. He did not blow me away. He was okay, a little pitchy, and the judges thought he was a little "old-fashioned." Simon thought he'd be a really good back-up singer, (which I think is a great compliment - if it was for ME.) I don't think he'll make it. And, did anyone notice how much taller he was than Ryan and that his head was about 1 1/2 times the size of Ryan's?

Next was cute Mishavonna Henson. This is year two of Idol for her. This girl has a very good voice! The judges all think she is a great technical singer, she's very put-together, and don't really know what to do with her. Hmm..... I don't think that's going to get her very many votes.
This is wierd, because she's a great singer! Obviously, there is so much more to American Idol.

And, mysteriously last, was Adam Lambert. Hmmm, how did that happen? Adam shows up with the great choppy hair, lots of silver bling, and a voice that is AMAZING. Okay, he was AWESOME. I know he is trying to tone down the musical theater side of himself, and he can overdo it a little, but this guy is so good. His range is incredible, he is so comfortable on stage, he has amazing technique. Like Paula said, he is in a league of his own. I am a fan. If he doesn't make it through it will be a crying shame, and American Idol will have to apologize to the world for not making sure he goes to the final 12. I think he'll make it. I love the reference to Twilight that they gave him. That will score him some points for sure. I think he even said that he loves those books. Ooo, and he can read? More points.

Okay, I think the top guy will be Adam, the top girl will be Allison, and the next closest will be Megan. What do you guys think?

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