Friday, March 27, 2009

Top 10 Results Show!

Top 10 Results Show – Stevie Wonder Wins!

Can we please just once have Ryan trip down the stairs? Just one time? Is that too much to ask? THIS IS AMERICAN IDOL!

The show starts with a recap of last night, put in this exact categorizing: Okay = Kris, Danny, and Anoop. Bad = Megan, Lil, Michael, and Scott. Good = Adam, Matt, and Allison. And, then, Ryan alluding to the weird mustache-drawing on Paula from last night, says, “Who made their ‘mark’ on you?” Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. He is is just sooooooo funny!

Next, we are treated to the dreaded GROUP SONG, which I am finding out is pre-recorded and lip synched this season. That would explain my wonderment over Adam emerging at the mic to sing some awesome licks, and then amazingly be back in the creative pyramid formation .0001 seconds later.

Time for the Ford Vommercial. I actually kind of liked this “Pocketful of Sunshine,” number because it sounded like Allison got the lead part in the vocals. Nice.

Ruben Stoddard was next to sing something……. But all I could focus on was how much he was sweating. He has the most infectious smile, and his voice is lovely, I can’t help liking him! And then, more weirdness with Ryan using his bare hands to wipe sweat from Ruben’s head. It was actually kind of endearing in a bizarre way.
Get this guy a towel, please! Kanye had one and didn’t even use it, after all!

Then we got to see some shots of the kids looking bored in the airplane on their trip to Detroit. Really? There had to be better shots than that!

Finally, we get to the results. Adam = safe (shocker!) Matt G. = not safe….. And this was actually shocking to me, and to him, too, it appeared.

Next we are treated to Joss Stone and Smokey Robinson singing a duet about being together, and it was a little creepy for me. Joss looked beautiful, and Smokey looked sweet and oldish, at 69 years. I didn’t love the combo, but they can both sing!

More results: Kris = safe. Lil = safe. Michael = bottom 3.

Next, we get to the highlight of the show: Stevie Wonder. He sang a medley because he has so many awesome songs, they couldn’t pick just one, I’m sure. My favorite parts: the singing, his awesome harmonica playing (how does he do that?), the kids going crazy over him, and him saying, “It’s all about ‘positivity.’ It was a feel-good moment, and I loved it.

More results: Allison = safe (yey!) Anoop = safe. Scott= bottom 3. Meagan = safe (what????)

Then, Scott gets sent to the safety couches first, leaving Matt and Michael. And, thank goodness Matt gets the safety, because America would need to personally apologize to me for taking Matt away. Michael handled it all with class – even the judges’ fake deliberation about the “save.” Bye, Michael! I think it’s great that he gets to go on tour, and I’m happy for him!

What do you guys think of the results? More importantly……. I’m so excited about my pools right now!!!!! Comments?

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