Thursday, March 26, 2009

Motown Night - Top 10 perform!

Motown Night – Top 10 perform!

Warning: Kara can’t count to six, Paula is taking over Adam’s usual hairstyle for the night, and Simon gets silly with a black marker! ….. THIS IS AMERICAN IDOL!

My DVR started recording in the middle of the Ryperbole, but I don’t think I missed anything. I’m sure he was saying the stakes are higher than ever, they have to lay it all on the line, etc. etc., blah, blah, blah. Then, for the third time, we get to see the judges walk the stage! It has now turned into a couple’s thing, with the two couples holding hands. Awe. Stop that already! I think it’s mainly a fashion thing, what do you guys think? We get to see Paula’s entire outfit, ballerina tutu and all! And, seriously, her hair was so smashed down and hair sprayed, Adam Lambert style. Then, I saw why: Adam actually was channeling Elvis in his later years, and needed Paula to wear the Adam “usual” do.

I really enjoyed hearing the history of Motown, and learned an interesting Factoid: Smokey Robinson has written over 4,000 songs!!! OMG, he is so lazy!

First up was Matt Giraud, with “Let’s get it on.” I’m a fan. This was nice, smooth, and his singing makes me happy. I know lots of you aren’t, but come on! Doesn’t his singing make you feel groovy? (And don’t his tight in the crotch jeans make you feel uncomfortable?) The judges all liked him. Yo man, Dude. Solid. Cool performance, etc. (By the way, I have an official “Giraud Squad” number… I know you are jealous.)

Kris Allen was second, with “How Sweet it is.” Ah, cuteness – with military or jail numbers on his shoulders. He was a cute, sweet puppy, singing with a guitar. Good. Safe.

Next was Scott MacIntyre with “You Can’t Hurry Love.” I actually loved having the back-up singers close to the piano, and as Paula amazingly said, they “brought new life” to his song. His otherwise threatening-to-sound-just-like-his-other-songs new song, in spite of the upbeat tempo. His songs are starting to all remind me of “Mandolin Rain,” and I don’t know how much more America can take of it. Then, Simon said that exact thing, so I’m a little worried for Art – I mean Scott. He seems funny and sweet, and I hope he gets one more week.

Megan Joy Corkery was next, with “For Once in My Life.” For once in my life, my tatoo sleeve actually matches my dress perfectly, and look it matches my necklace, too! Beautiful girl, weird dancing, didn’t nail the song. Randy said, “Dude. Train Wreck. Mad, crazy, rushed.” Simon said, “You look good, it was horrible.” Megan is probably in the bottom three.

Next was Anoop, singing “Ewwwww, Baby, Baby.” I mean, “Ooo, Baby, Baby. Okay, I know there are a lot of Anoop fans out there, but when he sang the “ooo” parts, I kept cringing and thinking “ewww.... please wipe the sweat off your upper lip.” Yes, he can sing. Yes, he seems like a nice guy and is probably really smart. I get that. And, he’s probably safe. I just didn’t feel it this week. The Anoop Troop is going to be all over me for the “eww,” I just know it. Bring it!

Michael Sarver was next with, “Ain’t Too Proud to Beg.” (… To beg to stay?) Can he please go now? I think we’ve had enough of his charm. The judges all felt it wasn’t great. Please. It’s your time, love. It wasn’t great, and he said he was happy to be in the top 10. Not safe.

Next was Lil Rounds, with “Heat Wave.” I loved the clips of her being moved by the Motown history. That was cool. Her song had too many words and not enough range for her to blow us away. It was just alright. The judges thought it was just okay, and Simon reminded America to keep her in by saying, “You are one of the best singers here.” Thanks, Pimp Simon.

Adam “Fat Elvis” Lambert was next. NO, I DO NOT THINK HE’S FAT! I just think the image is funny. (Thanks to my sister Mary for forever putting that in my head.) Before I talk about his song this week, I have to say that his “Ring of Fire” song from last week is one of my favorite songs on my iPod. Why? Because it’s interesting and unusual, and the guy’s voice is amazing and he’s always in tune! So, this week, he did another amazing job with “Tracks of My Tears.” He sang the whole song in falsetto and displayed amazing vocal control and was again, completely in tune and nailed it. Personally, I was hoping for him to sing some of it in his lower range, but Elvis says NO! And, I loved that he changed his look up – he’s keeping it interesting. Kara then said, “Six words – One of the best performances of the night.” Um, Kindergarten again, please Kara.

Next was Danny “I want to dance” Gokey, with “Get Ready.” It was just okay. His vocals were strong; it was kind of boring, but not bad. It was a bummer for him that he had to follow Adam. And, he didn’t take Smokey’s advice about the arrangement! (Ooo, bad call. Don't snuff the Smoke!) I still think it was solid, and he’s safe.

Last, but not anywhere near least, was Allison with “Papa Was a Rolling Stone.” This girl can sing – and she completely nailed it! The judges loved it, and she better not be in the bottom three.

Okay, so what do you think? Who will go? It should be Michael, Megan, or Scott. Comments?


  1. I too am a big Matt Giraud fan, but I sadly missed his performance. Those pesky shows that go over their time on purpose and mess up recording of other shows - SHAME ON YOU! I was looking forward to his soulful self on this soulful, song night. Oh well!

    Since we had other shows to watch, we skimmed through the blah blah talking and went straight for the action. Smokey Robinson was probably my first girl crush and he is still damn cute and has aged very well. Even with a little help from his friends, his "work" looks more natural than not. You can go swimming in those eyes. Thanks for the memories Smokey!

    Since we have grown so weary of Paula's blabbering on . . and on . . and on, Chris now mutes her opinion and sings an elevator tune through her whole speech. You should all try it - makes the show much better.

    Everyone was good, except for Scott, Michael and Megan.

    Scott MacIntyre is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. Poor guy. His "Just like last week performance" is beginning to annoy us though. I think he still has some sympathy voting to get him to next week, but his days are numbered.

    We really like Megan Joy (Chris actually loves, as in I'd swap Denise for Megan, love her) but she chose a bad, bad song. We still want to see her unique voice in this competition, so I hope she makes it. We don't vote, but might reconsider, to help keep her in the mix.

    We couldn't even listen to all of Michael Sarver's song, we thought it was that bad. He does not do well with up tempo songs and he should have learned that from last week. I think he will be going home tonight.

    Last night was the first time I was a fan of Adam Lambert's. I have always thought his singing is too high and his voice often reminds me of Steven Tyler, which I don't really like. But man, did the high voice sound great last night. If they ever make an Elvis musical, he could easily play a young Elvis with that look. Who would have thought Adam could ever look like Elvis?!

    Kris Allen surprises me every week, as I wasn't a fan and thought he wasn't well liked, so he'd go sooner, rather than later. But he is doing really well and the young girls like him, so he'll stick around a while. Looking forward to next week.

  2. Yeah, Adam rocked it. I hope he goes all the way. That would restore much faith in the whole system. I was not a big Matt fan, but was impressed with last night's performance.

    I'm calling the bottom three at Michael, Scott, and Megan. I also must say I'm getting worried about 'Lil.

    This will be my third time picking Michael to go out - let's hope 3rd time is a charm.

    Thanks for your memories Denise about Smokey. My favorite memory of Smokey (or Smoke as he goes by to his close friends) was in college when he called my house looking for his girlfriend and my roommate answered the phone to... "Hey, this Smoke...". My roommate hung up the phone on him. Awesome.

  3. What? Is that a true story, Brad? Why would he call your house? Did you steal his girlfriend?

    Denise - I loved your comments about Smokey. I was struck by his nice blue eyes.... a very unique look. And, I loved that Barry wanted to make music for "everyone,".... very inclusive and I loved that about him. Awesome spirits, both of those two, and what great additions to our planet. I "heart" them.

    Okay, about Megan: I would think she was unique if I'd never heard Amy Winehouse. Go to iTunes and listen to the rehab clip. Megan sounds too much like her to be unique. But, she could make a hit song right now, no doubt, because her vibe and look are flowers and bubbles and happy faces. (As opposed to rehab, alcohol, etc.)

  4. Well I wouldn't really call it stealing 'per se' - I mean look who was robbing what! ...she was my age!

    Yeah, true story - the part about him calling, not about me stealing her. He was dating one of Johnny's friends who was visiting for the weekend. We left the house for a while and he called while we were out (yes, this was before cell phones). Later that night when Smokey came up in conversation Zack said "Oh some dude called earlier and said his name was 'Smoke' and I hung up on him. I thought it was a prank." Back in those days, we just didn't tolerate celebs with fancy names around our house.
