Thursday, March 19, 2009

Top Eleven Results - to save or not to save?

Top Eleven Results Show – to save or not to save?

The show opens with Ryperbole about “the results may shock you,” etc., etc., and, This Is American Idol!!!!! And, down the stairs he goes. Can he please just trip once? Just once?

Paula was wearing straps made of black tulle, and definitely spent a lot of time with the flat iron before the show. Simon apparently slept in his old white t-shirt from yesterday and was wearing it again.

We had a review of last night, and then the GROUP SONG. Hmmm, the choreographers ask themselves, “What to do with Scott?” They put him at the piano tonight, and it looks like he was ripping it up! Nice! What a goofy song, though. T.R.O.U.B.L.E. Man, I like country music, but some of these songs are enough to make you insane.

Then, the Ford Vommercial, this time all goofy with water balloons. Oh, these silly kids! (Insert geeky chuckle.)

Results: Danny, safe. Lil, safe. Anoop, safe. Allison, in bottom 3. Michael thought he was safe, and then Ryan made him stand up again and told him he was in the bottom three. That was kinda mean, Ryan. I no likey.

Next, a commercial, and then when Idol came back, Brad Paisley had already sang a few lines of his song. I had to rewind to make sure I didn’t mess up. Come on, FOX. What the heck? I don’t want to miss Brad Paisley!

Well, if you missed it too, it was pretty much exactly like Kanye’s performance last week, except completely different. Cowboy hats were involved. Take away welding masks, bullet-proof vests, sunglasses, and 3-feet high shoulder pads, and insert a few cowboy hats.

More results. Scott, safe. Megan, safe. Matt, safe. Kris, safe. Adam, safe. (Randy had to throw in a name regarding Adam’s performance, just so we know how much Randy knows.) Alexis, bottom three.

Then, Carrie Underwood and Randy Travis sang a duet. I don’t know why it was really a duet, since Carrie got to sing 90% of the song. I didn’t mind at all – she sounded great. Am I the only one who thinks Randy Travis is a little goofy looking? Long head and weird singing faces and all. I totally enjoyed the song, in spite of me being distracted by RT.

So, Allison, Michael, and Alexis were in the bottom three. Allison, safe. The judges said they would consider the “save” option for one of the two, Michael or Alexis, and Michael totally knew they wouldn’t use it for him in a million years. Then, Michael was safe, and Alexis had to sing for her life. No pressure. After singing, the judges decided to not use the “save,” ----- psyche! Bye, Alexis. Awe. She was classy, but we could tell she was bummed. She is so cute, I’m sure we’ll be seeing her soon – selling face soap or makeup – or even singing.
I really think that Michael should have been the one to go, and that Alexis has way more diversity as a singer. Darn America, I'm going to get you. You got this one wrong.

What do “y’all” think of the results from country week?

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