Friday, April 24, 2009

Most Disturbing Results Night Ever

It took me a full 24 hours to recover from Wednesday night’s “Disco Results Show,” and I’m now ready for the recap.

Most disturbing: The 60-year-old plus disco segments. Hands down, most disturbing American Idol appearance of Season 8. What the heck? Chime in here, everyone! Which was the most disturbing? A: Freda Payne not being able to sing on key or even sing along with the music; B: Thelma Houston’s threatening v-neck necklace – ready to pop out some 60-year-old boob, or; C: KC without his Sunshine band, wearing a too-tight red shirt with some singers who were a lame parody to Flo Rida’s group a few weeks ago. Yuck, I feel dirtied.

Now that I have that nightmare out of the way, I can go on to the recap of the results show.

But, it’s not that simple. Paula had to come in and “choreograph” the Group Song. Apparently this took 2 days, and they still had to lip-synch the song. I have to hand it to the kids, though. They took it all in stride, and pretended to have fun. (Adam, I’m so sorry…. You are above this.) And, was anyone else worried that Paula was going to flash everyone with her dress being so short? Ryan Seacrest seemed very concerned a couple times. And, why does Paula get flowers for her “choreography” and not anyone else who’s ever done it? Whatever!

Results: …… Okay, I barely blinked and Ryan said Lil was out. This has to be a record for the shortest results info ever.

Next, we have the 60-year-old Disco Nightmare. (As you read above, this took me a full 24-hour recovery period.) Again, I have to point out that this was very disturbing. Good points: Thelma Houston still can sing, Freda Payne has nicely defined arm muscles, and KC still has SOME hair.

Results: Kris=safe. (Good – he was awesome.) Adam= safe (duh.) Danny = safe (even sporting no glasses.) Anoop = bottom 3. Allison = bottom 3. Matt = safe. (What?) Matt is so incredibly lucky.

Then, David Archuleta sang, “Touch My Hand,” and was cute and incredibly boring. Blah. Whatev. And, was that someone’s mom playing the keyboards? So weird.

Then, Allison is safe (thank God.) Anoop – aka sweat above my lip – Desai – goes home. His recap of his journey reminded us that he really seems to be a nice guy, and we all hope he does well. I send him rainbows and kittens.

And, as for Lil… the sass of her and her mom will take them far. She is a fighter and she is strong. She will do fine. Go Lil!!!!

And, as for my boys Matt, Danny, and Adam…… You go! Allison – you are amazing as well. Kris……. I am pleasantly surprised by you! Now we are down to the hardcore competitors. I can’t wait to hear what they are going to do next!!!! What about you?

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