Thursday, April 30, 2009

Top Five Results Night

Top 5 results night: The shocking and not so shocking.

The NOT shocking:

1. Ryan NOT tripping (again, darn it) on the downward stairs walk.
2. Randy booing like a high-schooler when Simon was announced
3. Danny being safe.
4. Matt being in the bottom 2.

The shocking:

1. Adam being in the bottom 2.

Let’s get to the details! Simon admitted that when he reviewed the show, all five contestants were really good. I have to agree.

AI wasted no time getting to the Ford Vommercial, which insinuated that driving a fusion through the desert brings grass and flowers. Really?

Then we get a really uncomfortable few minutes: the staged American Idol food fight in the Idol house. This was really awkward and I even felt uncomfortable. Are you really going to make a big old mess in a mansion that you know you don’t even have to clean up because they can afford to hire people to do that? In this economy? And then Ryan hands a real or fake bill to Danny and I think I felt a little cockiness from him when he commented that Idol makes enough money to get someone else to clean it. Hmmm. Me no likey that part.

RESULTS: The kids are grouped in 2 groups: Matt and Kris vs. Allison and Danny. Then Ryan asks Adam which group is safe. Adam handled this really really well. He showed that he didn’t like it, but he didn’t chicken out either. He said, “Based on last night – this group (Allison and Danny.)” Nice. This would have worked perfectly for Adam, except Ryan grabs his shoulder and steers him over to suddenly, for the first time, to be in the bottom 3 with Matt and Kris.

Then, another lame uncomfortable moment with Junior High School student Randy involving Kara and jaw dropping and “that’s what happens with Adam.” I think Ryan was involved in that innuendo, too, but mostly Randy. Boys.

Next we got to hear Natalie Cole. She was super classy, with a full brass jazz band to back her up. She looked beautiful, and wrote “her legs look really skinny,” and “she’s tall!” She wore a gold satin pillow case tied at her waist. (I later read she’s awaiting a kidney transplant! Wow.)

Then we got to hear Taylor Hicks. He looks good and nicely groomed. And, I had to remember his best feature: his great smile! And, everyone playing with him (band, back-up singers, everyone) looked like they were having a great time. That’s good because I thought the song was kind of boring and I would NOT buy that for a dollar.

RESULTS: One person is safe – Kris!!! This was a serious shocker, as I was almost sure it was going to be Adam.

Then, we got to sort-of hear Jamie Fox sing “Blame it.” I did not get this. I kept waiting for his voice to become a real voice instead of a robot voice. The song had lots of potential…. But anyone could be singing it…. Heck, a computer could be “singing it.” The whole time his back-up singer kept yelling behind him. I seriously can’t believe this is the number one song in the nation.

RESULTS: Adam is safe. Matt is out. Whew. I feel better now. I am still proud to be a “Glambert” and the Giraud Squad’s votes will have to go elsewhere now. But, what does this mean? Maybe Adam won’t win the whole thing? (Even though he is the best SINGER, and ARTIST in my opinion.) Will Danny and all his Sophia’s Heart supporters vote him into the win? Danny is the only contestant now to never see the bottom 3. What do you guys think?


  1. Great write-up Annie. I missed the show last night, but I'm not overly surprised by the outcome.

    I still have great confidence that Adam can pull this thing out in the end, and you know he will pull out all of the stops when it is vitally important. He had to have an off night-if an off night is hitting amazing falsetto notes and putting on a a great show. We are just used to even more now. It does however show that there are a lot of people that he doesn't connect with and that unless he does something undeniably amazing that makes people of all ages, tastes, and sexual preferences stop and say "WOW", he is at risk. So, if there was ever a week for him to be in the bottom three, this was it.

    Matt was the obvious choice and 78% of all users predicted that he would be going out. has accurately predicted the outcome of the weekly elimination for the last 6 weeks in a row - way better statistics than has.

    My prediction is that next week it is a toss up between Allison and Kris and will depend on the actual performance, then it will be a bloody battle between Adam and Danny for the final.

