Thursday, April 16, 2009

Top 7 Results: The Dra-Matt-ic Save

Top 7 Results: The Dra-Matt-ic Save

Last night’s show opened with lots of dramatic clips from last night – Quentin Tarantino style – which left Ryan on the stage standing backwards (Kill Bill image?) Then, the dramatic “T.I.A.I.”, Ryan coming down the stairs, and here we go – through the blue roller coaster and out to the universe to gaze back upon the blue earth from outer space.

We waste no time tonight, and immediately jump into the Ford Vommercial about being on the cover of magazines, and then just as quickly enter into the Group Song. Highlights: Anoop with a slight stumble on the stairs, Allison being a little ahead of the music, and even though Matt was front and center at the end, the last camera shot was still on Adam. Even the camera loves him.

Next we get to see footage from the kids’ world – going to see “17 Again,” the movie. Zac Efron was even there in person, and seems to still live up to reports that he is a really nice guy, saying thank you, etc. I wonder how much they paid American Idol to get such great advertising.

RESULTS: Allison=safe. Adam=safe. Anoop=Bottom 3.

Next we get to see Jennifer Hudson perform I really wasn’t blown away. I kept wondering why she kept messing with her left ear – was she adjusting her ear piece? Technical difficulties? He had some great moments – but I really wasn’t blown away. Comments?

RESULTS: Kris=safe. Lil=Bottom 3. Danny=safe. Matt=bottom 3. Then, they get to send one person to safety – Anoop!

Miley Cyrus is next. She sang “The Climb.” Hmm, really? If this what all the hype is about? I was hoping she was better. I thought she was, using Randy’s vocabulary, “a little pitchy.” But, I have to say this is probably more appropriate for the younger viewing audience than Flo Rida singing about “going down and spinning right round when you go down.” What did you guys think about Miley Cyrus? As an added bonus was that her face was completely covered by her mop of hair at the end of the song.

Next we get to the final RESULTS. Simon said he’d consider saving one person (Lil or Matt.) Lil is safe, and Matt has to sing – and I thought his singing part was better than Tuesday’s.

Then, the first time in Idol history, the judges use the dramatic SAVE! They are saving Matt. And, awe shucks, he’s in tears.

Simon comes along with the quick buzz kill and tells us that two people are going home next week and that it’s “Disco Week.”

Okay, so you all know I’m a Matt fan. I am, after all, number 150 on the Giraud Squad. But, I kinda felt it might have been his time to go. I am glad that I will get to hear him sing disco music, and am totally looking forward to next week. And, aren’t you asking yourself, “I wonder what Adam will do?” (See, that’s why he’s a superstar.)

What do you guys think of the Dra-Matt-ic save? Chime in!

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